Cross-Posted at Latino Decisions and Latino Vote Matters —  This week’s impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll found slight gains for presidential candidate Mitt Romney in battleground states with 33% certain to or thinking about voting for him. However, the over national polling data shows the strongest week to date for... Continue »
Earlier this week we wrote about how anti-immigrant extremist Congressman Steve King (R-IA) has suddenly decided to pull back on a plan to sue President Obama over his deferred action policy.  We think it’s because his Congressional race against former Iowa first lady Christie Vilsack has gotten close–much, much... Continue »
Earlier this week, America’s Voice unveiled our spotlight on six key Senate races of importance to Latino and immigrant voters—and all those who care about common-sense immigration reform.  We evaluated the power of the Latino voter community in each state and summarized where each U.S. Senate candidate stands on the... Continue »
In June, Representative Steve King (R-IA)–one of the most anti-immigrant members of Congress–sent out a fundraising appeal to his list of supporters, declaring his plans to sue the President of the United States.  The extremist Rep. King disagreed with the President’s plan to offer immigrant youth temporary relief from... Continue »
Today’s editorial in the Washington Post blasts Mitt Romney’s handling (or better put, mishandling) of the immigration issue and offers some cogent advice to the candidate himself: f Mr. Romney really wants to make inroads into Mr. Obama’s lead among Hispanics, what he needs is an immigration policy that is fair, cogent... Continue »
Today’s editorial in the Washington Post blasts Mitt Romney’s handling (or better put, mishandling) of the immigration issue and offers some cogent advice to the candidate himself: f Mr. Romney really wants to make inroads into Mr. Obama’s lead among Hispanics, what he needs is an immigration policy that... Continue »