Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and others like to pontificate about the evils of illegal immigration. But it turns out these politicians are missing a key point: Kansas needs illegal immigrants. Continue »
Immigrants have been central to building America. Opportunity-seeking, energetic, entrepreneurial and freedom-loving, these new "transplants" drawn by the magnet of American opportunity have helped make the United States the most prosperous country in the world. Continue »
It's been a little while since we've mentioned Alabama's HB 56, the harshest state immigration law in the land. With the state legislature coming back into session February 7, however, will come renewed attempts to repeal this terrible law. And boy, are there reasons to push repeal. Continue »
While President Obama's State of the Union address did not focus on immigration, his few statements on that issue sent out conflicting signals. The president pushed for a comprehensive immigration reform plan that includes letting foreign businessmen and entrepreneurs immigrate to the U.S. Continue »
ALABAMA'S immigration law, boasted Micky Hammon, an Alabama legislator and one of its co-authors, "attacks every aspect of an illegal immigrant's life. They will not stay in Alabama…This bill is designed to make it difficult for them to live here so they will deport themselves." Continue »
The House Economic Development and Tourism Committee on Thursday previewed new legislation that would help industry recruiters, but the committee also heard that the state's anti-immigration law is being used against them by other states. Continue »
"This is a jobs bill," they said. "This is a jobs-creation bill for Americans," they said. Such were the arguments that Alabama Senator Scott Beason (R) and Rep. Micky Hammon (R) made last year before passing their notoriously anti-immigrant state law, HB 56. Continue »
It's unclear whether farmers in Georgia and Alabama will face a shortage of workers owing to tough new laws targeting illegal immigration, but some producers said they have begun changing their plans for planting and harvesting this year's crops. Continue »
Immigrants founded or cofounded almost half of 50 top venture-backed companies in the United States, a new study shows, underscoring some of the high stakes in potential immigration reform. Continue »
Behind Door #1 are people of extraordinary ability: scientists, artists, educators, business people and athletes. Behind Door #2 stand a random assortment of people. Which door should the United States open? Continue »