Last night, House Speaker Paul Ryan was questioned regarding his stance on immigration reform and DACA during a townhall with Jake Tapper (full transcript available here). Below, Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, responds to Speaker Ryan. “Empty promises from the Speaker will not protect Dreamers, nor... Continue »
One of the first immigration battles of the incoming Trump administration will center on the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the young people it benefits. Senate confirmation hearings this week for both Attorney General nominee, Senator Jeff Sessions, and Department of Homeland Security... Continue »
A coalition of more than 60 Nebraska leaders, including leaders from the state’s civic, law enforcement, business, faith, and health communities, signed a public letter in support of the state’s DACA recipients and their families. “We strongly urge you to preserve DACA so that these important community members can... Continue »
Denisse Rojas, a medical school student and DACA recipient from California, writes in a personal testimony how the program transformed her life and called on members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to reject anti-immigrant Jeff Sessions’ nomination for Attorney General. Denisse, who was present at yesterday’s Senate Judiciary hearing, writes that... Continue »
Oscar Vazquez, a formerly undocumented immigrant and US Army veteran, opened Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions’ second confirmation hearing today with powerful testimony about his contributions to the United States. “My name is Oscar Vazquez,” he said, “and I am proud to be an American.” Oscar Vazquez, a former... Continue »
“Will America be a stronger country if we deport Luis,” Sen. Dick Durbin asked during a floor speech last week, “or if he stays here and becomes a high school teacher?” A quick watch of Sen. Durbin’s speech makes the answer crystal clear. Luis, a DACA recipient, volunteers as... Continue »
Washington, DC – The following is a statement from Juan Escalante, the Digital Campaigns Manager for America’s Voice Education Fund, in reaction to a letter that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson sent to Members of Congress, as reported by Politico.  The letter came in response to... Continue »
In ongoing support for Dreamers, University of Oklahoma President David Boren has added his name to a letter from more than 550 college and university presidents calling on US leaders to uphold and expand the DACA program. From the OU Daily: “I think we should take a compassionate stance... Continue »
While Local Leaders and Advocacy Efforts Continue to Speak Out for Pro-Immigrant Vision of America, Immigrants Themselves Offering Most Powerful Contrast to Trump Immigration Plans Local leaders and advocacy organizations continue to speak up on behalf of immigrants, offering a strong pro-immigrant vision that contrasts sharply with the stated... Continue »
In a new video from the Chronicle of Higher Education, five DACA recipients share their accomplishments, hopes, and fears about the future of the program following the 2016 Presidential election. The Trinity Washington University students have all excelled in their studies following the 2012 implementation of DACA, and have... Continue »