Last weekend at the Netroots Nation conference in Providence, Rhode Island, our panel on the Latino vote unveiled new tools to evaluate the impact Latino voters will have on the general election in November.  They include a new website for political analysis and an interactive voter map created by Latino Decisions and... Continue »
New tools to evaluate the impact Latino voters will have on the 2012 elections were unveiled this weekend at the Netroots Nation conference.  They include a new web site for political analysis and an interactive voter map created by Latino Decisions and our sister organization, America’s Voice Education Fund.... Continue »
As we reported yesterday, immigration lawyers, community leaders, and advocates representing a broad spectrum of Latino and immigrant communities declared the Department of Homeland Security’s implementation of prosecutorial discretion a failure and asked the Obama Administration to take immediate action to protect families, DREAM Act eligible youth, and those... Continue »
UPDATE: Heydi Mejia learned late yesterday that her deportation was deferred: Mejia’s reprieve came unannounced in a fax that arrived at her attorney’s office in the late afternoon. It represented the first step in what could be a long legal process, Malik said. “The Deferred Action will expire June... Continue »
After a growing outcry by immigrants, allies, and Members of Congress, outraged at the record number of deportations carried out by the Obama Administration, the Department of Homeland Security announced a new policy in June 2011 that was supposed to focus immigration enforcement on the “worst of the worst” and spare... Continue »
Matt, Van, Adam and I were just in Providence, Rhode Island where we attended Netroots Nation 2012, the year’s biggest conference of online progressive activists. Netroots Nation was also where America’s Voice Education Fund and Latino Decisions unveiled our new highly anticipated interactive Latino voter map, much to the glee... Continue »
It’s finally here!  Our panel at Netroots Nation 2012 discussing the importance of the Latino vote begins Saturday, June 9 at 10:30 AM. Speaking on the panel were Doug Rivlin from the Office of Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), ten-term Congressman and stalwart immigrant rights defender; Markos Moulitsas, founder and publisher of Daily Kos; Gaby Pacheco, an immigrant... Continue »
Two new polls show that both Latinos and non-Latinos continue to embrace common sense, federal immigration reform and a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.  While some politicians continue to hide from the issue, suggest tentative baby steps forward, or hope the states will step in, the American people are unequivocal: undocumented immigrants... Continue »