Mar 27, 2017
La primera vez que vi la película El Mago de Oz cuando era niña me impactó ver cuando se descubre que el temido personaje, una gran cabeza amenazante rodeada de fuego, era una farsa de un ilusionista. Más o menos así quedó el presidente Donald Trump el pasado viernes...
New stories in CNN and The Daily Beast offer more chilling details about how the Trump Administration and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are engaged in a pattern of political retaliation and intimidation against communities that welcome immigrants. Last week, a U.S. federal judge confirmed that Austin, TX-area...
The Trump Administration, and an “unshackled” Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), are detaining and deporting immigrants who have lived here for decades, including DREAMers, immigrants with U.S. citizen children, and others with deep ties to America. Now, the Trump White House’s supplemental DHS...

English (noticias en español al final de la página): TRUMP’S DEPORTATION PLAN: DETAILS, REACTIONS, EFFECTS Associated Press ‘Dreamer’ immigrant in Oregon detained by US authorities March 27, 2017 Associated Press Sheriff: ICE arrests 26 parolees during community service March 27, 2017 Associated Press Immigrants find sanctuary in growing Austin...
¿Afectará el fiasco legislativo de la medida para revocar y reemplazar el Obamacare los otros asuntos pendientes en la agenda del presidente, incluyendo su muro en la frontera con México? Todo, claro está, depende del asunto en discusión y cuán profundas sean las divisiones del ya fragmentado caucus republicano...
In a new piece for Bloomberg, “Trump’s Wall is 30 Feet of Scary Politics for Builders,” Thomas Black highlights the resistance to bidding on Trump’s border monstrosity by major building companies who “won’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.” Black writes: The wall and Trump’s insistence that Mexico pay...
En respuesta a la solicitud de financiamiento complementario del presidente Trump para un pago inicial de su plan de deportación masiva y el muro fronterizo, una amplia gama de más de 400 organizaciones han firmado una carta instando a los líderes del Congreso a rechazar dicho requerimiento presidencial. En...
Every year, the Southern Poverty Law Center releases its annual “Year in Hate and Extremism” report, which this year found 917 hate groups operating in the United States. For the first time, included on that list was the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the “think tank” arm of the anti-immigrant...

Trump’s travel ban and immigration crackdown are having wide-ranging effects, from dampening travel into the US to causing labor shortages on US farms to damaging the relationship between local law enforcement agencies and immigrant communities. Today, here’s another roundup of even more consequences of Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda. Customs and Border Patrol...
In response to President Trump’s supplemental funding request for a down payment on his mass deportation plan and a border wall, a broad range of more than 400 organizations have signed on to a letter urging congressional leaders to reject the president’s request. Advocates to Congress: deny “excessive and unnecessary”...