As the Senate gears up to vote later today on the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General of the United States, Senators should be fully aware that Sessions’ longstanding worldview and policy agenda is cohesive and fundamentally hostile to immigration and the changing demographics of America... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): NBC: Which Side Is Donald Trump on in the Fight Over Legal Immigration? By Benjy Sarlin Associated Press: The Latest: Kelly says no plans to add nations to travel ban Associated Press: DHS chief: Travel, immigration ban should have been delayed... Continue »
As Senator Jeff Sessions’ nomination moves closer to a Senate vote, vote counters are predicting that he will likely be confirmed. But the prospect of installing Jeff Sessions as the highest law enforcement officer in America is a frightening prospect for anyone who cares about civil rights. According to Lynn Tramonte,... Continue »
Cities, counties, and states are leading the resistance against the dangerous and racist policies of Donald Trump, and that’s been no clearer in the past few days thanks to state Attorneys General. The New York Times highlights the recent legal efforts of these elected officials, including Washington state’s Bob Ferguson, who... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Homeland Security Today: DHS Issues Guidance In Response To Federal Judge’s Halt To Trump Executive Order; Appeals Court To Hear Oral Arguments By Anthony Kimery Associated Press: Trump: Allow those into US who ‘want to love our country’ By Darlene Superville... Continue »
With protests in DC, New York City, San Francisco, and just feet from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, the reactions to Donald Trump’s hugely-unpopular policies and proposals show no signs of slowing down. In DC last Saturday, thousands chanted “No ban, no wall,” “Move Trump, get out the way,” and... Continue »
Donald Trump’s radical immigration and refugee executive orders are dangerous, un-American, and — according to three new polls — unpopular. Polling from Gallup, CNN, and CBS News make clear that President Trump is personally unpopular, as is his immigration-related policy agenda. According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, “Now... Continue »
SuperBowl performances and commercials rejected Donald Trump’s dark vision of America in several moments that embraced values of inclusivity, tolerance, and diversity — and never even had to mention him by name in the process. “It started with the Schuyler Sisters from the musical Hamilton—Phillipa Soo, Renée Elise Goldsberry,... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): One News Now (Opinion): What you can do for Sessions before Wednesday By Chad Groening Associated Press: The Latest: Iranian tech firm employee re-enters US New York Times: The President Has Much Power Over Immigration, but How Much? By Adam Liptak... Continue »
On February 1st, 2017, Ohio immigrants, refugees, and allies gathered on a conference call with elected officials to discuss Donald Trump’s Executive Orders attacking members of our communities.  The call was hosted by Ohio’s Voice. State Rep. Stephanie Howse (Cleveland) and State Rep. Dan Ramos (Lorain) announced that they... Continue »