On Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in the case of U.S. v Texas– the legal case that has blocked President Obama’s decision to confer protection against deportation and work permits to individuals who are low priority for immigration enforcement. As the Justices prepare to... Continue »
New nationwide polling of Latino voters, conducted by Latino Decisions and commissioned by America’s Voice, makes clear that immigration matters to Latino voters; that Donald Trump is deeply unpopular with Latino voters; and that the Republican Party’s brand image with Latinos is deeply damaged and getting worse, due in part... Continue »
Ahead of the Supreme Court conference on U.S. v. Texas tomorrow, we present key excerpts from some of the latest analytical pieces: Tom Jawetz, Vice President for Immigration Policy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, writes at Medium,  “3 Ways House Republican Leaders Misled the Supreme Court to Score Political,... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Medium (Op-ed): 3 Ways House Republican Leaders Misled the Supreme Court to Score Political, Not Legal, Points By Tom Jawetz McClatchy: How the Republican candidates compare on immigration By Lesley Clark, William Douglas, and Maria Recio NBC: NY Latina Voters Strongly... Continue »
Leading legal observers and immigration law experts continue to weigh in with their assessments of Monday’sSupreme Court oral arguments in United States v Texas. Below, we present some of the key new analyses focused on how the Republican plaintiffs in this highly-politicized argument have shifted their justification for bringing... Continue »
After both attending the oral arguments and reviewing the hearing transcript, immigration attorney David Leopold has a new, deep-dive analysis of the U.S. v Texas immigration case that is now posted on Medium. In “Deconstructing the Questions of Roberts and Kennedy in U.S. v Texas,” Leopold examines the key questions asked during Monday’sarguments... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Medium (Op-ed): Two Reasons Why the Republican Legal Arguments Against DAPA and DACA Are Deeply Flawed By Matt Hildreth Buzzfeed: Clinton Steady With Latinos, But Math Gets Tougher For Sanders After Big New York Loss By Adrian Carrasquillo The Hill:Guatemalan president... Continue »
As hundreds of immigrant families rallied outside the Supreme Court yesterday, one of our movement’s youngest champions asked the Court to protect her family and millions of others around the nation. Sophie Cruz is one of the estimated 4.5 million US citizen children around the nation who have at least... Continue »
Republicans don’t like DAPA and DACA, but policy preferences have no sway before the Supreme Court. The truth is, Republicans are trying to litigate a political dispute at the Supreme Court, and yesterday’s oral arguments proved the anti-immigrant motivation behind the case. Maybe that’s why known hate group, FAIR,... Continue »
As observers pore through the transcript of yesterday’s Supreme Court hearing in United States v Texas, there’s a lot of speculation and guesswork on display. Oftentimes, the conventional wisdom immediately after the arguments about what the questioning may mean for the ultimate outcome is off-base – see the 2012 immigration case Arizona... Continue »