The news keeps getting worse for Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and his signature mandatory E-Verify legislation. Ideological conservatives, farmers, small business owners, and others continue to question why the GOP is pushing this Big Government, Big Brother initiative. Today, the House Judiciary Committee continues its mark-up of... Continue »
The news keeps getting worse for Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and his signature mandatory E-Verify legislation. Ideological conservatives, farmers, small business owners, and others continue to question why the GOP is pushing this Big Government, Big Brother initiative. Today, the House Judiciary Committee continues its mark-up of... Continue »
The Task Force on Secure Communities, a non-governmental body appointed by the Department of Homeland Security this summer, just announced its recommendations to reform this deeply flawed program. According to Lynn Tramonte, Deputy Director of America's Voice Education Fund, "Because of Secure Communities and similar programs, fear of... Continue »
Despite publicly expressing confidence over the legislation's prospects, leading anti-immigrant lawmaker Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) had a difficult week promoting his mandatory E-Verify bill. Opponents from a range of industries and ideologies raised their voices, highlighting the facts that mandating E-Verify would cripple the U.S. agriculture industry, burden... Continue »
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has made passage of E-Verify a top priority for the House Republican caucus. Smith has called E-Verify "a successful tool," but he is asking his colleagues to overlook one key fact: E-Verify doesn't work. Continue »
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has made passage of E-Verify a top priority for the House Republican caucus. Smith has called E-Verify "a successful tool," but he is asking his colleagues to overlook one key fact: E-Verify doesn't work. Continue »
Rep. Lamar Smith, the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, is also the self-appointed jobs czar for the GOP. He's holding a mark-up of his two-part jobs package this Thursday, September 15th. Yesterday we explained why Smith's mandatory E-Verify bill kills jobs for Americans and is opposed... Continue »
At the presidential debate held Monday, Republican contender Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said, "The immigration system in the United States worked very, very well up until the mid-1960s when liberal members of Congress changed the immigration laws. What works is to have people come into the United States with... Continue »
In last night's Republican presidential debate, Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) continued his hard right tack on immigration, trying to portray himself as the true immigration hard liner in comparison to fellow GOP top contender, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX). In the debate, Romney said, "With regards to illegal immigration,... Continue »
The current political conversation in Washington and the nation is all about jobs. Last week, President Obama unveiled his jobs plan, which experts have concluded would create 1.9 million jobs. Many have been waiting for a counter proposal from congressional Republicans. But it's already out there, sponsored by House... Continue »