The Spanish-language press continues to highlight the importance of the March 21st march for immigration reform. The EFE reports that "Once, President George W. Bush was accused of failing to spend sufficient political capital on passing immigration reform. Now Obama confronts similar complaints, and the drama threatens to repeat...
A La Opinión article covers the inefficiency of using high-tech tools to patrol the border. The article cites an analysis by the TransBorder Project at the Washington, D.C.-based Center for International Policy which says that the cost of, for example, remotely-piloted unmanned planes (or "drones") is too high for...
Detention Watch Network's current campaign, "Dignity Not Detention: Preserving Human Rights and Restoring Justice," aims to protect human rights by putting an end to the expansion of the US immigration detention system, with these four goals in mind: 1. Reduce detention spending by the Obama Administration 2. Demand...
Across the country, efforts to pressure Congress and President Barack Obama to pass immigration reform this year are taking shape, including the March 21st march in Washington, DC.
CIS has cooked up a plan to try to convince us that a majority of Latinos support the mass deportation of the 12 milllion immigrants living and working in the U.S. without authorization. Half-baked polling and research is nothing new for these folks, but onto the real research... A...
Chief Lisa Womack of Elgin, IL; Sheriff Richard Wiles of El Paso, TX; and Chief Sam Granato of Yakima, WA, participated in a telephonic press conference yesterday sponsored by the Law Enforcement Engagement Initiative (LEEI). They called on President Obama and Congress to (in Chief Granato's words) "step up...
A report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security and conducted by the research firm Westat reveals defects in E-Verify, the immigration status verification system. E-Verify "doesn't get it right half the time," the AP writes, while headlines its article "E-Verify's certainty in doubt."
This week I was struck all over again by the power and courage of a very simple act: four young people who decided to take matters into their own hands and make an epic journey from Florida to Washington DC, on foot. Their goal? To raise awareness about the...
Feb 25, 2010
On Sunday March, 21st tens of thousands of people will flood the National Mall in our nation's capitol, demanding immigration reform now. From the We March FOR America site:
Our vision of reform includes immigrants and native-born U.S. citizens working shoulder to shoulder to achieve better...
The buzz continues in the Spanish-language press around actions in support of immigration reform and the March 21st march in Washington. EFE recounts an interview with a cook on a food-service truck in Los Angeles who told the news service, between preparing orders of tacos and burritos, how happy...