The Spanish-language press continues to anticipate the march for immigration reform planned for March 21st in Washington. Notimex quotes Margarita Ramon of Inquilinos y Trabajadores (Tenants and Workers) saying: "We will demonstrate the power and the collective importance of this discontented community."
As we mentioned briefly yesterday, Columbian-Lebanese pop superstar Shakira (Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll) is the latest public figure to call on President Obama to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation with a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Which is pretty significant, considering Shakira got the full Oval Office treatment...
"The GOP expressed worries that the $15 billion jobs package crafted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), does not go far enough to ensure that businesses don't use new-jobs tax credits in the bill to write off jobs given to illegal immigrants." Sound familiar? It should. Restrictionist members...
Today, the Spanish-language press highlighted a protest in Georgia by members of the Ku Klux Klan against the walkers of the "Trail of Dreams" who advocate for the DREAM Act.
Papers is an exciting new documentary that focuses on the unique challenges that approximately 65,000 undocumented youth graduating from high school every year in the U.S. face as they turn 18. Without the legal status necessary to secure their future in the United States, many of these youths are...
Henry Bonilla, a Texas Republican whose district ran along the Mexican border, won seven straight elections to the House by relying on retail politics in Hispanic communities where GOP candidates had rarely bothered to tread. He thrived in Congress and co-chaired the two Republican National Conventions that nominated George...
At a town-hall meeting held by Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) in Los Angeles, attendees pressured the congressman to lead the fight for comprehensive immigration reform in the House. notes that the forum was held three days after a bill was introduced in the House that would deny citizenship...
Republicans are facing a major fork in the road on immigration, highlighted this week at CPAC (the major conservative conference in DC right now).
Does the GOP choose the backward-looking, anti-immigrant route led by former Congressman, now Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth, or the path toward real immigration solutions, led by...
Arizona's La Voz writes that representatives of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) have arrested 141 undocumented immigrants in Arizona in the last 30 days. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who announced several days ago that he plans to train 900 of his deputies to perform immigration enforcement exercises...
Check out our new report entitled, "J.D. Hayworth - Leading the GOP Into a Political Wilderness on Immigration." It's telling that Hayworth's Senate bid has already been endorsed by notorious anti-immigration crusaders Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (under several federal investigations for racial profiling) and Minuteman Civil Defense Corps...