Sometimes I really wonder if Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is for real. Think Progress today quoted King’s comments from a recent Iowa town hall: King said: I went to the Iowa State website and I typed in “multicultural” and it came back to me, at the time, 59... Continue »
Kris Kobach today joined with Roy Beck of NumbersUSA and Chris Crane of the ICE union to file a lawsuit against DHS and Janet Napolitano Continue »
Anti-Immigrant Leaders and ICE Agents Join Forces to Try to Stop DREAMers from Gaining Security and Work Permission in America Washington, DC – Kris Kobach, immigration advisor to the Romney campaign, architect of the infamous Arizona and Alabama immigration laws, and driving force behind the Republican Party’s hard line... Continue »
The 2012 Republican National Convention has begun, and we wanted to put together this guide of what you can expect from the convention, its nominee, and its delegates on immigration. To begin with, there’s Mitt Romney.  Romney tacked to the extreme right on immigration during the primaries, but has... Continue »
Kris Kobach’s Extreme Positions Adopted by Platform Committee on Same Day Romney Campaign States Goal of Significantly Increasing Latino Support As we predicted yesterday, Kris Kobach – the legal architect of the Arizona and Alabama anti-immigrant laws and Kansas Secretary of State – continues to dominate the immigration policies... Continue »