While many are welcoming the recent news that minority babies are, for the first time, constituting a majority of the nation’s newborns—a rather predictable segment of America is not so receptive to the change. “It is clear that this, and other similar stories like this, are meant to serve... Continue »
Having backed himself into a corner on immigration during the Republican primary, recent events strongly suggest that Mitt Romney’s campaign and surrogates have decided on a three-part Latino strategy heading into the general election: (1) focus solely on the economy to compete for the small slice of Latino voters willing to... Continue »
This November, Latino voters will have to make the choice of whether to vote at all or which candidate to support. Continue »
Latino Voter Turnout Levels Important to Assess Alongside Head-to-Head Matchup Between Obama & Romney As many have noted, the 2012 presidential race may hinge on Latino voters’ political choices.  But there are two choices Latino voters have to make: 1) whether to vote at all; and 2) which candidate... Continue »