Thousands Rally in D.C. to Keep Trump from Separating Families and Deporting Hundreds of Thousands of TPS Holders Tuesday February 12th, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders from across the nation gathered to prove to the Trump administration they will not be intimidated by it’s racist policies, and to urge... Continue »
America’s Voice Frank Sharry: “It’s an Attack on our Democracy by an Autocrat” Frank Sharry on DHS Funding Bill: “We can and must do more to ensure that the days of giving ICE blank checks comes to an end, and to reverse the runaway train of unaccountable detention funding.”... Continue »
“Moving forward, House Democrats must address ICE’s impunity and lies and remember that every ‘detention bed’ on a budget ledger is a human life.”– Pili Tobar, Deputy Director The implications of the DHS funding deal to keep the government open – in particular the detention beds and related nuances... Continue »
With hubris, President Donald Trump went to El Paso, Texas to proclaim the “benefits” of the wall–as if he knows more about the situation than local officials and residents of this border city. What’s worse, he did it through falsehoods and exaggerations. He trotted out his new campaign slogan,... Continue »
America’s Voice Making Sense of DHS Funding Debate: Why Congressional Oversight of DHS and ICE is Critically Needed Trump and his wall of falsehoods English Huffpost Trump’s Wall ‘Emergency’ Would Be The First To Overrule Congress On Spending By S.V. Date February 12, 2019 The Washington Post (Opinion) With... Continue »
Today is the national day of action for temporary protected status (TPS) — a major mobilization where advocates are demanding justice and a permanent solution for TPS holders from 13 countries. The Trump Administration is slowly ending TPS for hundreds of thousands of longtime residents, by cancelling or failing to... Continue »
WASHINGTON, DC – El presidente Donald Trump quiso ir a bailar a la casa del trompo. Fue a El Paso, Texas, a proclamar los “beneficios” del muro pretendiendo saber más al respecto que las autoridades y los residentes de la ciudad fronteriza. Y lo que es peor, lo hizo... Continue »
America’s Voice PHOTOS: Today is the TPS Day of Action! Trump y su muro de falsedades en El Paso English The Washington Post Jennifer Rubin: The Democrats at least try to hold their own accountable By Jennifer Rubin February 11, 2019 El Paso Times Live coverage of Trump’s visit... Continue »
Donald Trump is hold a campaign rally in El Paso, Texas tonight — the latest stunt in his ongoing obsession to build the border wall. During last week’s State of the Union address, Trump singled out El Paso as a place that supposedly represented his false narrative about life... Continue »
The call will urge the Trump Administration to stop the wall and stop the lies A recording of the call is available here. Earlier today, Fernando Garcia, the executive director of the Border Network for Human Rights, Linda Rivas of the Women’s March of El Paso, Rep. Veronica Escobar... Continue »