Gabe Ortíz, miembro de la familia de America’s Voice, escribió este elocuente artículo para el Washington Post. Titulado “Ser gay en Estados Unidos aún es un acto subversivo” es altamente recomendable. El artículo de Gabe está disponible en línea aquí y lo reproducimos a continuación: Al menos 50 personas fueron masacradas el fin de... Continuar »
Please note the following column was translated from Spanish to English and is available for reprint as long as the author is given proper credit. This column is available online in Spanish here. Whatever the motivations of the perpetrator in Orlando, Florida–the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States–this is... Continuar »
Durante una Noche Latina que se celebraba en un club gay en Orlando, al menos 49 personas murieron tras el peor tiroteo masivo en la historia de Estados Unidos. Es doloroso saber que las víctimas de un crimen de odio anti-LGBTQ fueron asesinadas en un espacio supuestamente seguro para... Continuar »
At a Latin Night in a crowded gay club in Orlando, at least 49 people were killed in the worst mass-shooting incident in American history. It is heartbreaking to know that these victims of an anti-LGBTQ hate crime were targeted in a supposedly safe space for the community. As... Continuar »
Gabe Ortíz, a member of the America’s Voice family, penned this powerful piece for the Washington Post. Entitled “Being gay in America is still a radical act,” it is a must read. Gabe’s full piece is available online here and follows below: At least 50 people were slaughtered over the weekend after a gunman... Continuar »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Washington Post: What’s happening to two undocumented Texas valedictorians says it all about the immigration debate By Janell Ross Associated Press: Trump asserts thousands of people in US ‘sick with hate’ By Laurie Kellman and Jill Colvin Wall Street Journal: Terrorism... Continuar »
A lo largo del proceso de primarias y tras alzarse como el virtual nominado presidencial republicano, Donald Trump ha sido un libro abierto. Mostró su esencia marcada por el prejuicio, el sexismo y la crueldad. Su falta de autocontrol y empatía es notable. Este domingo utilizó la tragedia de... Continuar »
Sean cuales fueran las motivaciones del individuo que perpetró en Orlando, Florida, el peor tiroteo en masa en la historia de Estados Unidos, es otro triste ejemplo de las consecuencias devastadoras de la intolerancia, el odio y el prejuicio. El responsable, un joven estadounidense nacido en Nueva York de... Continuar »
CASA, an immigration advocacy organization, has been preparing its members and community for DAPA through its phone tree to mobilize its members when the Supreme Court releases its decision on DAPA, and through a “Do you Qualify for DAPA/DACA+?” information session to prepare for implementation. CASA plans to be... Continuar »
As the firestorm surrounding Donald Trump’s latest racist comments grows, Ohio faith and civic leaders are demanding Sen. Rob Portman rescind his endorsement of Trump or own the GOP leader’s words. Throughout his campaign Trump has made headlines with his racism, sexism, and disgusting attacks on the disabled. And yet, Senator Portman endorsed... Continuar »