"Officially a Doctor of Law! This J.D. degree is for the DREAM movement. Victory will be ours!" César Vargas wrote on his Facebook wall this past weekend after receiving his law degree. Graduation ceremonies are held all throughout the country and among these students, who through immense effort are... Continue »
Civil rights leader Cesar Chavez will in fact have a new Navy cargo ship named after him, despite Republican protest that the honor was too "political" a move. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus confirmed yesterday that the last of the 14 Lewis and Clark-class cargo ships built by NASSCO... Continue »
Texas State Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa (D-McAllen) used a procedural tactic to derail an anti-immigration bill that was moving in that state's legislature. The bill could be brought back, but time is running out. The legislative session ends on May 30th. Continue »
The Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General plans an investigation of an immigration enforcement program that purports to target "serious convicted felons" for deportation but has ensnared many illegal immigrants who were arrested but not subsequently convicted of crimes or who committed minor offenses, a letter obtained... Continue »
With a re-election campaign looming, President Barack Obama is pushing Congress to overhaul the immigration system, but lawmakers seems to have little appetite to take on the issue. Continue »
A majority of Americans correctly view the Dream Act and its pathway to citizenship as economically and morally fair. The law allows a route to citizenship for children brought to the U.S. illegally as long as they pursue a college education or military service. Continue »
Presidents and chancellors from 12 universities expressed their support on Wednesday for the Illinois version of the long-stalled federal DREAM Act to use private funds to help undocumented students pursue their studies as the first step toward nationwide immigration reform. Continue »
Tea Party Manatee member Linda Neely drove to Tallahassee to push for the recent immigration bill to pass. And even though it didn't get approved, she hasn't stopped showing her support for the issue. Continue »
At his inauguration ceremony, Mayor Rahm Emanuel emphasized Chicago's diversity and his own immigrant background. But beyond that, the newly minted mayor has taken real first steps to make sure his government reflects that diversity, particularly Chicago's growing Latino community. Continue »
Someone needs to get Roy Beck a dictionary. Apparently this man has no idea how to define "hate speech." Last week, Georgia signed into law anti-immigrant Arizona copy-cat legislation. Musician Carlos Santana reacted and expressed his disbelief and disappointment. Continue »