Lawmakers and law-enforcement officials in several states are turning against a mandatory federal program that is a cornerstone of the Obama administration's immigration policy. Continue »
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, calling it "a rather historic moment," on Friday signed a bill that cracks down on illegal immigration in the state by increasing some enforcement powers and requiring many employers to check the immigration status of new hires. Continue »
A proposal to provide college scholarships to the children of immigrants, even illegal immigrants, is forcing Illinois lawmakers to consider whether it's appropriate to lend a helping hand to people who are in the country improperly. Continue »
If President Barack Obama aimed to reach Hispanic voters with his focus on immigration this week, his plan may have backfired. A group of immigration activists complained that an Obama for America campaign email sent this week calling for immigration reform while requesting donations suggests that Obama is "asking... Continue »
16/05/11 a 9:08am por Maribel Hastings WASHINGTON – La confluencia de eventos de percepción con un discurso de Barack Obama en la frontera, la presentación, otra vez, del DREAM Act en el Congreso, el presidente concediendo entrevistas a medios en español o hablando ante organizaciones de fe, generó reacciones... Continue »
WASHINGTON – United We Dream, una de las redes que agrupa jóvenes estudiantes indocumentados que abogan por el proyecto de legalización DREAM Act, le solicitó a la campaña de reelección del presidente Barack Obama que remueva de su página oficial y de Facebook un anuncio que emplea el tema... Continue »
News of President Obama's recent push for immigration reform has hijacked the news this week, and media personalities have been all too vocal about what they think are Obama's real intentions for immigration reform. Some have called his efforts "insincere" while others have praised him for finally playing... Continue »
First-term Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA), in the news lately for creating a House Freshmen Immigration Caucus and proposing a bill that would defund "sanctuary cities," is the focus of a Right Wing Watch article today questioning his ties to Neo-Nazis. Continue »
Employers, increasingly double-checking would-be workers because of a nationwide crackdown on illegal immigration, may inadvertently be fanning demand for stolen documents -- with all the consequences that befall victims of identity theft, from tax and credit problems to trouble with the law. Continue »
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has gone to great lengths this year to help vulnerable 2012 Democrats avoid taking tough votes, packing the calendar with non-controversial bills and letting debate on them drag on. Continue »