After months of ducking questions about what he would do with President Obama’s deferred action policy, Mitt Romney finally said something that was responsive yesterday in an interview with the Denver Post. This is what he said: “The people who have received the special visa that the president has... Continue »
Against a Background of Hard Line Positioning, Welcome Move Fails to Reassure Washington, DC- After months of ducking questions about what he would do with President Obama’s deferred action policy, Mitt Romney finally said something that was responsive yesterday in an interview with the Denver Post.  Said Romney, “The... Continue »
Cross-Posted at Latino Decisions and Latino Vote Matters —  This week’s impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll found slight gains for presidential candidate Mitt Romney in battleground states with 33% certain to or thinking about voting for him. However, the over national polling data shows the strongest week to date for... Continue »
Today’s editorial in the Washington Post blasts Mitt Romney’s handling (or better put, mishandling) of the immigration issue and offers some cogent advice to the candidate himself: f Mr. Romney really wants to make inroads into Mr. Obama’s lead among Hispanics, what he needs is an immigration policy that is fair, cogent... Continue »
Today’s editorial in the Washington Post blasts Mitt Romney’s handling (or better put, mishandling) of the immigration issue and offers some cogent advice to the candidate himself: f Mr. Romney really wants to make inroads into Mr. Obama’s lead among Hispanics, what he needs is an immigration policy that... Continue »
The Romney presidential campaign continues to duck answering basic questions regarding a potential President Romney’s immigration policy. Yesterday, Radio Bilingüe featured both Obama and Romney campaign spokespeople on host Samuel Orozco’s Spanish language show.  During the interview, Romney spokesperson Sharon Castillo refused to say whether Romney would keep or rescind the deferred action... Continue »
The Romney presidential campaign continues to duck answering basic questions regarding a potential President Romney’s immigration policy. Yesterday, Radio Bilingüe featured both Obama and Romney campaign spokespeople on host Samuel Orozco’s Spanish language show.  During the interview, Romney spokesperson Sharon Castillo refused to say whether or not Romney would... Continue »