As we head into another big week in immigration—President Obama is expected to mention immigration in his State of the Union speech Tuesday night, as will Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) in his rebuttal; also the Senate will hold an immigration hearing on Wednesday—here’s a roundup of weekend talk shows... Continue »
Ahead of the President’s State of the Union Address and next week’s kick-off hearing on immigration reform in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Latino, Asian, and immigration leaders gathered on a press call today to clarify a few key aspects about the swirling immigration policy debate.  On today’s call, advocates... Continue »
This week alone, a raft of new polling has underscored the fact that a majority of Americans want immigration reform with a path to citizenship—not legalization without citizenship or any mass deportation option.  Quinnipiac finds that 56% of all Americans support the creation of a roadmap to citizenship, the... Continue »
Ahead of the President’s State of the Union Address and next week’s kick-off hearing on immigration reform in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Latino, Asian, and immigration leaders gathered on a press call today to clarify a few key aspects about the swirling immigration policy debate.  On today’s call, advocates... Continue »
Yesterday we wrote about Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), who apparently believes that it’s a good idea to support immigration reform that legalizes immigrants—but never gives them the opportunity to apply for citizenship.  As arguments yesterday made clear, withholding citizenship in immigration reform is bad for the economy, unfair, and... Continue »
In response to Rep. Raul Labrador (R-IA)’s comments yesterday, commentators and bloggers continue to criticize Republicans who hold that there can be legalization without citizenship.  As Markos Moulitsas wrote this week, “if they’re going to send that message, they might as well just obstruct because that’s not going... Continue »