New and horrifying allegations of forced hysterectomies at an ICE detention facility in Georgia must be investigated swiftly and thoroughly. This cannot be treated as just another outrage. This is the kind of demonization and abuse that must be exposed, repudiated and punished.   Yesterday, several legal advocacy groups filed... Continue »
July 25, 2020 marks one year since a bill that would designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuela has been stalled in the Senate while the president continues to pledge support for the Venezuelan people. The Department of Homeland Security also has authority to designate TPS but has failed... Continue »
As special units from Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) act as Trump’s personal militia in Portland and other “blue cities,” the Trump administration seeking to move nearly $170 million away from bipartisan priorities — including the use of body cameras — to its own pet projects. Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard... Continue »
Will Trump and Miller Restart Cruel Family Separation Policy?   On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Dolly Gee ruled that the Trump administration must release 124 children who have been held for more than 20 days in family detention facilities. Judge Gee’s ruling cited the threat of COVID-19 and... Continue »
A recording of the call is available here   Earlier today, Black immigrant leaders and experts gathered on a press call to speak on the Black immigrant experience and focus in specifically on their exposure to continued unjust detention of Black immigrants across the country. Facing a public health... Continue »
In a seven chapter investigative piece entitled “Essential but Deportable,” Univision addresses the many difficulties faced by immigrant families under the Trump administration citing that “the return of massive workplace raids and the adoption of strong anti-immigrant policies such as ‘zero tolerance’ have destroyed the social and economic fabric... Continue »
Yesterday, in addition to the powerful decision protecting LGBTQ employees, the Supreme Court declined to hear a case challenging California’s so-called sanctuary law by a strong 7-2 margin. The news is a victory for pro-immigrant policymaking and means that California’s landmark California Values Act will keep improving the lives... Continue »
From Day One, the Trump Administration has led a failed immigration strategy driven by their deeply held xenophobic ideology and cynical political ambitions, not guided by the best interests of Americans, our families or our economy. The result — a financial crisis at USCIS that will harm thousands of... Continue »
Trump Chooses Politics & Ideology over Public Health and Safety Every Time Max Boot’s newest syndicated column describes how the Trump administration “is not letting the coronavirus crisis go to waste … in the name of protecting America from the coronavirus, Trump has been able to achieve a xenophobe’s... Continue »
The Trump administration’s family separation policies embodied a shocking level of cruelty and callousness. Remember that the administration was prepared to rip as many as 26,000 children away from their parents, with no plans for reunification, and they were aware of the emotional and mental health traumas children separated... Continue »