Yesterday, we wrote about the ongoing #Fast4Families and their march to Capitol Hill asking Speaker John Boehner to move forward on immigration reform.  Today, the Hill is coming to them, with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (including Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-IL) coming to meet and express their support... Continue »
For the last few weeks, immigration reform advocates have renewed their efforts to push Congress to pass legislation, through a series of civil disobediences, protests, rallies, vigils, and hunger strikes.  Though Congress could also pass immigration reform next year, there is also enough time left this year for the... Continue »
Today is the 8th day of the Fast for Families, which began last week to pressure Speaker Boehner and House Republicans to move on immigration reform.  Advocates, along with the fasters, marched on the National Mall to Boehner’s office to request a meeting with the Speaker and ask him... Continue »
Today, advocates in Atlanta and Illinois are risking arrest to protest deportation policy and the continued inaction on immigration reform.  In Atlanta, activists spent hours surrounding and trying to shut down the Broadview Detention Center.  In Illinois, they surrounded a bus carrying immigrants scheduled for deportation–including Brigido, a father of... Continue »
Members of CASA in Action and 32BJ SEIU held a funeral procession this week to state GOP headquarters to warn Virginia Republicans of impending electoral doom if they continue to oppose immigration reform.  The march featured All the Saints Theater Company members, Republican rat puppets, stanzas from a Latino... Continue »
Yesterday in Cleveland, Ohio, nine women sat down in a busy intersection despite steady wind and rain, and refused to leave until they were arrested in an act of civil disobedience for immigration reform.  View pictures courtesy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer here. The action, organized by We Belong... Continue »
Yesterday, a group of immigrant women with We Belong Together and CHIRLA successfully forced a meeting with GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy, who came to meet with them shortly before midnight, after they’d spent hours engaging in an act of civil disobedience that left them locked in his office without... Continue »
Despite the rain, immigrant women and allies in Washington state today are getting arrested for immigration reform, after occupying and being evicted from the state GOP headquarters in Bellevue, WA.  The women are asking Congress to take action on immigration reform and pressuring their Representatives in Congress–Republicans Dave Reichert,... Continue »
Today, hundreds of activists in Chicago, Illinois and Bakersfield, California stepped up their tactics to pressure Congress to pass immigration reform with a path to citizenship. In Chicago, more than 500 people from faith, labor, elected officials and community organizations, including many undocumented families, joined the Illinois Coalition for... Continue »
Congressional Republicans, we told you that immigration reform is not an issue that is going away. To protest the House GOP’s continuing refusal to pass immigration reform, immigration reform advocates with the Gameliel network today staged acts of civil disobedience in three midwest cities–St. Louis, Missouri; South Bend, Indiana; and... Continue »