Bibles, Badges, and Business–a project of the National Immigration Forum–has been busy this August, holding dozens of events in key districts around the nation to push for immigration reform.  The effort brings faith, law enforcement, and business leaders together in order to persuade members of Congress that immigration reform... Continue »
Twenty-one days and 285 miles later, PICO California’s Pilgrimage for Citizenship ended in Bakersfield, California yesterday, with more than 2,000 immigration reform advocates joining 15 pilgrims in House GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) home district. Eleven pilgrims (symbolizing the 11 million immigrants waiting for immigration reform in the US) began... Continue »
It’s the penultimate week of August recess, and immigration reform supporters across the country are continuing to pressure Congress every single day to pass immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.  As Jeremy Robbins of the Partnership for a New American Economy said this week, advocates aren’t just winning... Continue »
It’s the third week of August recess, and advocates across the country are continuing to drive momentum for immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.  Twenty-four House Republicans have now come out in support of citizenship, largely due to constituent pressure at the grassroots level.  Not only are supporters... Continue »
It’s Week 3 of August recess, and advocates of immigration reform are continuing to showcase their power by putting pressure on Members of Congress all over the country to support immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.  The strength of our movement compared to the flailing efforts of our... Continue »
This is what an empty public space in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania looks like. Yes, it’s taken from Google Images, because we weren’t there.  Neither was anybody else this past Monday night, because the Tea Party Patriots, in conjunction with NumbersUSA and other anti-immigrant groups, completely failed to hold a rally... Continue »
As we’ve been writing about all month, it’s August recess, and immigration reform advocates all over the nation are turning up the heat on Members of Congress.  Advocates, DREAMers, family members, union allies, faith leaders, and many others are turning out at rallies, petition deliveries, and town halls in... Continue »
On Monday, we mocked Steve King for holding what was supposed to be a major anti-immigrant rally in which no one showed up.  His non-event turned out to be especially embarrassing when pro-immigration reform forces held a major rally in which thousands showed up just a couple of days... Continue »
Thousands of immigration advocates rallied in Bakersfield, California yesterday, taking the immigration fight personally to GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and demanding that he support immigration reform with a path to citizenship.  The advocates first rallied to music and speeches from leaders in Yokuts Park, before walking a short... Continue »
The following is a press release from the Alliance 4 Citizenship: Reform activists from 40 cities and towns descend in Bakersfield after leading largest statewide caravan ever  View photos of the event here Today, 1,900 immigrants, Latinos, Asians, and immigration reform supporters paid a visit to Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s... Continue »