We’ve written about how Speaker John Boehner and his staff are hiding from immigrants–locking his office doors during business hours and not engaging with immigrants and advocates who come to speak with him.  On the other side of the country, GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is apparently doing the same... Continue »
The following is a press release from the #Fast4Families.  View more photos from the passing of the fast here. At Ceremony on National Mall, New Fasters Pick Up Where Others Left Off After 22 days of a water-only fast on the National Mall, four long-term fasters of the “Fast... Continue »
Today, on the 21st day of the ongoing #Fast4Families, immigrants and advocates journeyed to Speaker Boehner’s office on the Hill to deliver an invitation asking him to meet with the fasters.  Numerous elected officials, from President Obama to Joe Biden to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and Republican members of the... Continue »
The following is a press release from the #Fast4Families: For pictures of the visit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fast4families/ WASHINGTON, DC – On day 18, “Fast for Families” welcomed the visit of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. SEIU’s Eliseo Medina, NAKASEC’s Dae Joong Yoon, DREAMer and Mi Familia Vota’s Cristian Avila,... Continue »
The following is an email from the Alliance 4 Citizenship detailing recent events and activities for immigration reform: Last Thursday, Speaker John Boehner and the House leadership received special Thanksgiving turkeys and wine from activists, as a reminder of the contributions immigrants make for America. Faith leaders from New... Continue »
Today, the #Fast4Families is entering its third week, with Eliseo Medina and other fasters going on their 15th day without food.  Flanked by civil rights, faith, labor, and immigration reform leaders, the fasters announced National Days to Act, Fast and Pray, starting December 1st to the 3rd.  The days... Continue »
It’s been a busy week in the fight for immigration reform, between a delivery of turkeys to key House GOP members yesterday, an ongoing fast, a pre-dawn vigil outside of Speaker John Boehner’s home, DREAMers being arrested at Eric Cantor’s office, and advocates in Atlanta and Chicago conducting acts of... Continue »
It’s Day 11 of the Fast 4 Families, and Vice President Joe Biden has just stopped by to show his support for and pray with the fasters.  Rep. David Valadao (R-CA) was also a visitor today; other supporters including Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA), and members of the... Continue »
Today, America’s Voice with UFW, UFCW, Mi Familia Vota, and AFL-CIO delivered processed turkeys, merlot, and fact sheets to Speaker Boehner and other key members of the House to press for action on immigration reform, which has been waiting for House passage all year. The event kicked off the new... Continue »
Advocates Deliver Immigrant Processed Turkeys, Merlot and Fact Sheets to Speaker Boehner, Steve King and Other Key GOP Members; Remind Them Who’s Working Hard for America While They’re Taking More Days Off While Congress has been busy voting to repeal Obamacare forty-seven times, blaming the President for [insert anything... Continue »