Despite the rain, immigrant women and allies in Washington state today are getting arrested for immigration reform, after occupying and being evicted from the state GOP headquarters in Bellevue, WA. The women are asking Congress to take action on immigration reform and pressuring their Representatives in Congress–Republicans Dave Reichert, Herrera Beutler, and Doc Hastings–to be leaders in making sure that happens.
The action today follows yesterday’s civil disobedience in Bakersfield, California, where dozens of women were locked in GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy’s office without food or water before McCarthy finally met with them, shortly before midnight. Today’s event is also a part of a series of demonstrations this week, organized by We Belong Together, which will bring similar tactics to key districts in Georgia, Florida, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. View more details here.
View photos of the civil disobedience in Washington today, below, and stay tuned for updates: