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In Cleveland, Nine Women Brave Wind, Rain in Civil Disobedience for Immigration Reform

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Yesterday in Cleveland, Ohio, nine women sat down in a busy intersection despite steady wind and rain, and refused to leave until they were arrested in an act of civil disobedience for immigration reform.  View pictures courtesy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer here.


The action, organized by We Belong Together, is part of a series of demonstrations in eight states around the nation this week, kicked off by an event in Bakersfield, California on Wednesday where 13 women successfully forced GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy to meet with them after a 6+ hour demonstration.  Yesterday, 30 women in Washington state were arrested after occupying the state GOP headquarters, including the wife of the Seattle mayor.  Events and vigils are continuing today.

In Ohio, the targets were Republican Reps. Dave Joyce and Jim Jordan, though director of Cleveland Jobs with Justice Deb Cline also told the Plain Dealer that “our targets are all Republicans and Democrats in Congress who don’t support immigration reform.”  Kline was one of 100 women arrested in Washington, DC earlier this fall in a similar act of civil disobedience with We Belong Together.

The women arrested in Ohio were cheered on by a rally of 30 people asking Congress to pass immigration reform and stop the separation of families.  One of the arrested, Pam Wynn of Cleveland Jobs with Justice, told the Plain Dealer that she supported immigrants having a shot at the American Dream.

“I think it is important the public knows that these women come here seeking a better life for themselves and their families,” she said. “A lot of them work 12-14 hours a day, doing hard jobs that don’t pay well.”