Today, America’s Voice with UFW, UFCW, Mi Familia Vota, and AFL-CIO delivered processed turkeys, merlot, and fact sheets to Speaker Boehner and other key members of the House to press for action on immigration reform, which has been waiting for House passage all year.
The event kicked off the new “Do Your Jobs” campaign, which reminds Congress that immigrant workers in America work hard, every day, an example this do-nothing Congress (which will have 32 of the next 40 days off) could emulate by taking action on immigration reform.
During the deliveries, most of the Congressional offices accepted their deliveries, including Steve King’s. Speaker Boehner’s office, however, locked the door on the advocates and refused to let them in or accept his delivery, even though Boehner at that very moment was holding his weekly presser, promising that immigration reform was not dead and repeating his belief that Congress needs to address the issue.
View the photos from this morning’s delivery below, and more information about the “Do Your Jobs” campaign here: