Vea el anuncio sobre el caso de César Vargas aquí Washington, DC – Un nuevo anuncio televisivo y digital de America’s Voice presenta el caso de César Vargas haciendo un llamado rotundo y directo a la cámara. Cuando era indocumentado, César logró ser abogado. Cuando obtuvo la residencia permanente,...

Watch the ad featuring Cesar Vargas here Washington, DC – A new television and digital ad from America’s Voice features Cesar Vargas making a stark, direct-to-camera appeal. When he was undocumented, Cesar became a lawyer. When he gained legal permanent residence, he joined the Army. Now a member of...

Washington, DC – Reports of internal opposition at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to the Biden administration’s systematic deportations of Haitians and the administration’s re-start – and expansion – of the MPP/Remain in Mexico program underscore growing disillusionment with the Biden administration’s border and immigration policies. Among the...

Dec 6, 2021
Anuncio de televisión de America’s Voice desafía a los demócratas a cumplir con la reforma migratoria Washington, DC – Un nuevo y poderoso anuncio de televisión de America’s Voice presenta el llamado que hace directo a la cámara Miryam, una beneficiaria de DACA que sueña con ser doctora. Miryam,...

America’s Voice TV Spot Challenges Democrats To Deliver on Immigration Reform Washington, DC – A powerful new television ad from America’s Voice features a direct-to-camera appeal from Miryam, a DACA recipient who dreams of being a doctor. Miryam, whose family is mostly undocumented, presents a direct and compelling challenge...

Poll surveys likely midterm voters in 2022 swing districts Washington, DC – A new poll shows overwhelming public support – 81-17% – for the core immigration reform provision in the Build Back Better bill. The poll was conducted from November 12 to 15 by Global Strategy Group and Garin-Hart-Yang....

Washington, DC – In the Arizona Republic, Yvonne Wingett Sanchez recaps a new interview with Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ): “Sinema, who has long favored immigration reform, reiterated her support for protections for undocumented immigrants that Democrats want to add in the reconciliation bill. But it’s unclear if an attempt...

Washington, DC – Politico previews a National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) polling memo that promises that Republicans will once again run hard on immigration in the 2022 midterms. Nativism, along with stoking fears over Critical Race Theory and “defund the police,” represent the GOP’s latest incarnation of the “Southern...

Washington, DC – A new poll from Data for Progress on the immigration provisions in the BBB legislation finds broad bipartisan support for relief targeted at long-settled undocumented immigrants. The poll asked 598 voters whether they support or oppose “a proposal that provides Dreamers and other undocumented immigrants who...

The immigration reforms in BBB give us a chance to enact work permits and deportation protections for 7 million immigrants this year Washington, DC — The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice: We urge all House Democrats to vote yes on the Build...