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“I Am Tired of Being Afraid”

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America’s Voice TV Spot Challenges Democrats To Deliver on Immigration Reform

Washington, DC – A powerful new television ad from America’s Voice features a direct-to-camera appeal from Miryam, a DACA recipient who dreams of being a doctor.

Miryam, whose family is mostly undocumented, presents a direct and compelling challenge to Americans: 

“My family is undocumented. When I was seven, I knew I wanted to become a doctor to help and to heal people. My family has worked so hard for me to be able to go to medical school. Every time I take one step forward, I am pushed back five. And I am tired of being afraid. I am a good American and I deserve citizenship.” 

While the immigration provisions included in the Build Back Better legislative package do not include a direct path to citizenship, which Americans support and immigrants like Miryam have earned, the provisions nevertheless represent a meaningful step forward for millions of immigrant families, including Miryam’s, and move us closer to achieving our goal of citizenship for all.

According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice:

“By overwhelming margins, the American people know that immigration reform strengthens our nation and formally recognizes undocumented immigrants as the Americans they already are. Doing nothing to help Americans like Miryam is unconscionable and shameful.”

The television ad, the first in a series of coming ads from America’s Voice, will run in the Washington, DC market over the next two weeks on shows including CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” ABC and NBC Sunday shows, and CNN and MSNBC programming, as part of a $320,000 campaign.