Republicans have allowed Donald Trump to completely dominate their debate on immigration. When RNC Chair Reince Priebus called for immigration reform in 2013, Trump’s position today is, “They have to go.” And, Republican candidates have followed right along with his extremist rhetoric. An example of this shift to the...
The popular narrative emerging after Jeb Bush’s exit from the 2016 race is that it’s now up to the establishment candidate, Marco Rubio, to battle Donald Trump for the heart and soul of the GOP. Of course, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Ben Carson probably don’t see it that...
In the wake of the battle of words between Pope Francis and leading Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, Vice President Joe Biden adds to the moral argument against a massive wall along the US/Mexico border, saying that, in the face of America’s tradition of welcoming the immigrant and refugee, “erecting a...
“How long until Donald Trump insults the Pope?” tweeted Buzzfeed’s Dominic Holden during the Pontiff’s US tour back in September. Well, the answer to that question is about five months, apparently. A steaming-mad Trump unleashed on the religious leader after Pope Francis singled out the Republican Presidential candidate for...
So much for “the Hispanics love me,” Donald Trump. The Republican candidate’s bigoted remarks already have him in the hole when it comes to the vital Latino voter demographic, with evidence showing he’s dragging down the GOP along with him (YUGE bad news when you need 47% of Latino voters in...
It’s only February and the 2016 general election is still over 270 days away, but so much has already happen in this year’s cycle, it’s hard to keep track. On the Republican side, the Presidential field has gone from 15 candidates, to just seven as of today: Jeb Bush,...
Donald Trump really prides himself on being a smart businessman. He’s made it one of the primary reasons why he thinks he belongs in the White House, saying that “we need people in Washington that know how to make a deal.” But, there’s plenty of reasons to scoff at...
The former President of Mexico had a pretty straight-forward answer when asked if his nation would pay for the massive border wall a President Donald Trump plans to build and then bill them for. “We are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall!” said...
Andres Oppenheimer: GOP Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Alienating Latinos and Threatening Republicans’ Chances Kerry Eleveld: Home Raids Against Central American Refugees Could Give GOP “An Escape Route by Driving Down Participation” Among Latino & Immigrant Voters With immigration center stage in the 2016 presidential cycle, one of the most important questions...
Feb 5, 2016
As Candidates Double Down on Hardline Immigration Stances, Latino Voters Mobilize Despite evidence coming out of Iowa that GOP primary voters in fact, don’t view immigration as a top issue—immigration ranked a distant fourth out of four issues in network entrance polling—that hasn’t stopped the field from doubling down on...