Sep 4, 2017
From Voces de la Frontera in Wisconsin to United We Dream in Houston to Make the Road New York to NAKASEC in Washington, DC, and more — this week, advocates around the country have rallied in support of DACA and to make their support for Dreamers heard. View just...
Instead of Responding to a Manufactured Deadline, Trump Should Keep DACA in Place Everyone wants to be the first to report what the President will do about DACA. But it’s important to remember that trial balloons and leaks are just that–until we have an official announcement, we will not...
Sep 1, 2017
State AG Sees the Light, Quits Team Paxton; Calls On Tennessee Senators to Enact the DREAM Act After a day of fevered speculation about the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the White House today delayed any decision about the future of this popular and...

Ohio AG Mike DeWine Should Follow Suit Cleveland, OH – The Attorney General of Tennessee, Herbert Slatery III, just announced that he will not join Texas in attacking the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in the courts. Ohio, like Tennessee, is a plaintiff in a lawsuit attacking a now-defunct...
Thousands of American leaders from faith and advocacy groups, all levels of elected government, judges, police chiefs, and sheriffs earlier this week signed a letter in support of DACA and Dreamers. Last night, they were joined by hundreds of major business leaders who asked Donald Trump to preserve DACA...
A recording of today’s call is available here On a press call today, immigration advocates, legal experts, and DACA recipients assessed a busy week of developments. From the preliminary injunction on Texas’s SB4 to ongoing attention to the future of DACA and DACA recipients, the speakers provided key analysis and...
Boston Globe editorial and Fabiola Santiago Miami Herald column look at Texas as reminder of why President Trump should keep DACA in place Two must-read pieces today connect the dots between the devastation in Houston, the essential role of DACA recipients and other immigrants in helping with the Texas and Louisiana response...
If Administration claims they are “acting with heart” and “humanely winding it down,” don’t buy it; Ending DACA and disrupting the lives of 800,000 young people and their families would be an act of cruelty The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is a popular and successful program that...
On Twitter today, Dreamers, supporters, and advocates from across the country made it clear that they support DACA and will not allow Donald Trump to rescind the program without a fight. Dear @realDonaldTrump, If you end DACA, we will make your life impossible. Signed, The 5 million who marched on...
National leaders, grassroots activists, corporate titans, leading editorial boards, select Republicans, and a strong majority of the American people are in agreement: DACA should be preserved until Congress enacts a clean Dream Act that provides a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers. Among the key voices making the case: Washington Post editorial, “Will...