“I still don’t know where or in whose care my daughter was when we were apart. She’s still traumatized.” In a powerful op-ed for the New York Times, Sindy Flores, an asylum seeker from Honduras, tells the harrowing tale of her journey to the U.S. and the pain of... Continue »
He’s Not Interested in Good Policy; He’s Only Interested in 2020 Politics Below is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is against it. Businesses across the country and in Texas are against it. Farmers are against it, too. White House staff are... Continue »
In a letter led by Representatives Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), and Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), House Democrats provide Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen with four thoughtful and realistic steps to begin righting the wrongs the administration has committed on our southern border.  As Trump threatens to escalate his failed... Continue »
English The Texas Tribune Castro unveils immigration platform, laying an early marker in the 2020 presidential contest By Patrick Svitek April 02, 2019 Think Progress Julián Castro’s immigration plan does more than just fix Trump policies By Rebekah Entralgo April 02, 2019 Associated Press Trump Takes a Step Back... Continue »
Trump Now Owns the Refugee Surge He Fueled Washington, DC – Leading observers are recognizing that the Trump administration’s deterrence-only policies have been an abject failure and that their proposals to slash aid to Central America and close the border are similarly doomed to fail. Meanwhile, new polling and... Continue »
America’s Voice Dismantled Policies Result in Trump’s Epic Failure and Chaos at the Border English The Washington Post Border surge pressures Democrats to craft their own immigration solutions — not just oppose Trump By Michael Scherer April 02, 2019 Associated Press Trump’s threat to close border stirs fears of... Continue »
“Actually addressing the root causes of the problem in Central America and humanely managing applications for asylum from families fleeing violence are far, far down the list of Trump administration priorities.” – Pili Tobar, America’s Voice The Trump Administration remains hellbent on failed deterrence-only policies and cynical political stunts... Continue »
“I’m old enough to remember when presidents ran for reelection on creating jobs, not on creating chaos.” – Will Bunch In a new must read piece in the Philadelphia Inquirer, columnist Will Bunch assesses the cynical political motivations that help explain the Trump administration’s actions and failures at the... Continue »
America’s Voice Trump’s Machiavellian plan has scarcely begun Trump’s Failed Deterrence Strategy and Cynical Political Stunts at the Border: There’s a Better Way Forward El plan maquiavélico de Trump apenas comienza ICYMI: “Emboldened Trump hopes a cruel border crisis will get him reelected in 2020” English The Hill Dems... Continue »
Trump’s Border Failure Continues…Nielsen’s Incompetence and Cruelty Keeps Getting Worse In a letter, first obtained by NBC’s Julia Ainsey,  DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen “will ask Congress for the authority to deport unaccompanied migrant children more quickly, to hold families seeking asylum in detention until their cases are decided and... Continue »