A Recording of Today’s Call is Available Here Washington, DC— Today, legal, media, and civil rights experts gathered to discuss the serious implications of the Trump campaign’s close ties with white nationalists and the white nationalist media. From the outset the Trump campaign has had a troubling relationship with... Continue »
Following a weekend of silence, Sen. Marco Rubio has finally commented on Donald Trump’s ongoing attacks on the parents of a fallen US soldier killed in Iraq. “I think it’s unfortunate,” the gutless wonder said in a statement. “ Khan is a hero, for every measure. I think his... Continue »
Trump’s attacks on Khan family a new low; what more do Republicans need to see from Trump before they rescind support? Donald Trump’s ongoing attacks against the Khan family are the latest, and perhaps most heartless, example of his campaign’s sustained attempt to stoke racial and religious animosity. Trump... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: Khizr Khan, Father of Fallen Muslim American Soldier, Rebukes Trump at Convention By Niraj Chokshi New York Times: Donald Trump’s Confrontation With Muslim Soldier’s Parents Emerges as Unexpected Flash Point By Alexander Burns, Maggie Haberman, and Ashley Parker... Continue »
During the last two weeks, two starkly different visions of America were on display at the Republican and Democratic conventions. While Donald Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot continued to attack and demean Latinos and immigrants, immigration policy reforms were featured as a top priority for Democrats.... Continue »
In sharp contrast to RNC, DNC embraced immigrants as part of America  At a time when the nativist backlash on the right is pulling the Republican Party in the wrong direction on immigration, it was notable and welcome that the Democratic Party put the stories of immigrants front and... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Bloomberg: Party Conventions Highlight Growing U.S. Divide on Immigration By Sahil Kapur Politico (Florida): Pro-immigrant groups criticize state lawmaker for defending Trump By Sergio Bustos Associated Press: Bloomberg to Warn of Trump Economic Plans at Dem Convention Associated Press: Obama hopes... Continue »
Undocumented Families Speaking at the DNC Highlight the Real Life Consequences of Mike Coffman and Donald Trump’s Immigration Proposals As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) kicks off today in Philadelphia, the contrast between the two parties’ larger visions of America could not be more clear or consequential. The issue... Continue »
Senator Burr and Deborah Ross polar opposites on immigration As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) kicks off today in Philadelphia, the contrast between the two parties’ larger visions of America could not be more clear or consequential. The issue of immigration, and the way immigrants are portrayed and featured... Continue »
Thursday, 11:00 PM EST: Personal stories of immigrants and immigrant families were among the most powerful and quintessentially American moments of the Democratic convention, culminating from testimony from DREAMer Lorella Praeli and Khizr Khan, whose son Humayun was a captain in the U.S. Army and was killed in Iraq. “When... Continue »