Undocumented Families Speaking at the DNC Highlight the Real Life Consequences of Mike Coffman and Donald Trump’s Immigration Proposals
As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) kicks off today in Philadelphia, the contrast between the two parties’ larger visions of America could not be more clear or consequential. The issue of immigration, and the way immigrants are portrayed and featured at the two parties’ conventions underscores this point.
Last week in Cleveland, the GOP adopted Trump’s border wall as their official platform, showing that Trump’s xenophobic, racist, and anti-immigrant rhetoric is not isolated to him but has become the guiding ethos of the Republican Party.
In stark contrast, the DNC begins this week with the most progressive platform on immigration in history, which includes support for comprehensive immigration reform, the DACA and DAPA programs, an end to family detention, and the guarantee of legal counsel for Central American refugees. Complementing this platform is a speaker list that includes undocumented Americans and, for the first time, a DAPA-eligible parent, who will deliver her remarks in Spanish.
The contrasts between the parties are clear here in Colorado. Mike Coffman and the Colorado GOP embrace Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda, which includes the deportation of DREAMers and the parents of US Citizens and a ban on Muslims. Meanwhile, Colorado Democrats like Senator Bennet, who took aleading role in the Gang of Eight immigration reform bill, and State Senator Morgan Carroll, lean into important immigration programs like DAPA and DACA.
Alvina Vasquez, Director of Colorado’s Voice said, “The Colorado GOP platform is clear: Colorado Latinos are not Americans. The Democrats, in contrast, recognize that in Colorado and across the nation the Latino community contributes enormously to our country, and we deserve better than the racist GOP-treatment. The immigration platform proposed by the Democrats offers our community great opportunities and promises to protect the bond between parents and their children by expanding DACA and enacting DAPA. The contrast and the choice couldn’t be clearer this election.”