Following a weekend of silence, Sen. Marco Rubio has finally commented on Donald Trump’s ongoing attacks on the parents of a fallen US soldier killed in Iraq.
“I think it’s unfortunate,” the gutless wonder said in a statement. “[Captain] Khan is a hero, for every measure. I think his parents are heroes and they have a first amendment right to speak out on their politics, as all Americans do. Their son died for the Constitution and I honor that.”
Rubio’s opponent, Democrat Patrick Murphy, immediately condemned Rubio’s non-condemnation:
“Trump has completely disqualified himself from the presidency, and if Marco Rubio can’t work up the courage to withdraw his endorsement, then he does not have the courage to be Florida’s Senator.”
Like party leaders Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. Mitch McConnell, Rubio failed to condemn the Presidential nominee by name or rescind his support, and actually echoes some of Trump’s plan to ban Muslims from entering the United States:
“It’s very difficult to vet people from certain parts of the world where there are not vetted governments.”
Never mind the fact that ”refugees undergo more rigorous screening than anyone else we allow into the United States.”
During the past weekend, Rubio actually affirmed his support for a man he once called a “con artist” who should not be allowed access to the nuclear codes, saying:
“We have got to come together as a party. We cannot lose to Hillary Clinton. We cannot lose the White House. We have to make sure that Donald wins this election.”
If Marco Rubio gets his wish and Donald Trump is elected President of the United States, it means mass deportation for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants over the first 18-24 months of his Presidency.
Quite a wish for someone once hailed as the “Republican Savior.”
As AV’s Juan Escalante tweeted earlier today: “Next time you hear Marco Rubio’s immigrant story, remember that he wants to elect a racist to the White House.”