A detailed analysis of the 2012 electoral map by Markos Moulitsas of DailyKos shows that Mitt Romney's problem with Latino voters could be decisive in the November elections. The analysis relies on recent polling, information about Latino voter turnout, and examinations of 2012 battleground states to highlight the... Continue »
The news that former Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) has endorsed Mitt Romney for president is a missed opportunity to shift the Republican Party's direction on immigration. Before Florida's primary earlier this year, Bush cautioned the Republican field about its continued mishandling of the immigration issue, noting, "That could be... Continue »
A story in today's Congressional Quarterly reports that Rep. David Rivera (R-FL) is planning to introduce a dramatically stripped down version of the DREAM Act. This is clearly an attempt by Rivera to provide political cover to Republicans who recognize the perils of the GOP's strident anti-immigrant positioning.... Continue »
Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney used his resounding win in Puerto Rico's Republican primary this weekend as evidence that he can actually compete for Latino voters this November. Unfortunately for Romney, his Puerto Rican primary win is of limited predictive value for potential general election performance among Latinos,... Continue »
Whether on the campaign trail or in the state house, the heated rhetoric used by opponents of common sense immigration reform is setting a troubling tone that some Americans are deciding to follow. At a GOP debate in January, Mitt Romney suggested that best way to deal with the... Continue »
In an article entitled, "How Mitt Romney Lost Latinos," POLITICO's Glenn Thrush details how the Republican presidential frontrunner may have sealed his fate with Latino voters by fully embracing the vision of anti-immigrant architect Kris Kobach. (In other news, Kobach is coming under increased fire back home for... Continue »
As was true in other conservative states this year, exit polls from the Alabama and Mississippi primaries show that the Republican electorate is not all riled up about the immigration issue. Few Alabama and Missisippi primary voters declared immigration to be their priority issue, while recent polling from... Continue »
With demographic realities now undeniable, more and more political analysts agree that Republicans are committing political suicide by embracing hard-line, anti-immigrant policies. A piece by Paul Begala in The Daily Beast, lifts up some important quotes from prominent GOP strategists who agree that Republican candidates change on immigration... Continue »