Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): YubaNet: Lynn Tramonte: America, This Is What a Deportation Force Looks Like Associated Press: The Latest: US Embassy clarifies travel rules for Israelis Reuters: Trump’s orders on immigration face new legal challenges in U.S By Scott Malone and Dan Levine Washington... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): The Pueblo Chieftan: Hispanics cast key votes in Colorado By Peter Roper Daily Millbury: Protesters rally at McCarran against Trump travel ban on immigrants, refugees Black Star News: Even majority Of Republicans Oppose Trump’s Immigration-Deportation Scheme By Frank Sharry Associated Press:... Continue »
As Donald Trump unrolls a series of extreme executive orders targeting immigrants and refugees, DACA recipients continue to wait in anxiety about the future of the program that has allowed them to legally work, pursue higher education, and temporarily live free from the fear of deportation. Despite offering recent... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Los Angeles Times: As soon as he is inaugurated, Trump will move to clamp down on immigration By Brian Bennett TPM: How Far Will He Go? The 5 Biggest Questions About Trump’s Immigration Plan By Lauren Fox Medium: What Will You... Continue »
One of the first immigration battles of the incoming Trump administration will center on the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the more than 750,000 young people it benefits. DACA is an unqualified success, helping to drive economic growth, bolster job creation, keep families together,... Continue »
Last night, House Speaker Paul Ryan was questioned regarding his stance on immigration reform and DACA during a townhall with Jake Tapper (full transcript available here). Below, Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, responds to Speaker Ryan. “Empty promises from the Speaker will not protect Dreamers, nor... Continue »
One of the first immigration battles of the incoming Trump administration will center on the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the young people it benefits. Senate confirmation hearings this week for both Attorney General nominee, Senator Jeff Sessions, and Department of Homeland Security... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Los Angeles Times: Opponents of legal immigration hope their ties to Jeff Sessions will influence Trump By Joseph Tanfani Texas Observer: Lawmakers, Advocates Unveil Campaign to Stop Anti-Immigrant Legislation By Gus Bova Daily Astorian: Hundreds expected at rally against Trump’s immigration... Continue »
Two of the Most Telling and Disturbing Exchanges During Day One of Sen. Sessions’ AG Hearings During the first day of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, two particular topics and exchanges caught our eye: Sessions reiterated his longstanding view that the DACA... Continue »
Oscar Vazquez, a formerly undocumented immigrant and US Army veteran, opened Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions’ second confirmation hearing today with powerful testimony about his contributions to the United States. “My name is Oscar Vazquez,” he said, “and I am proud to be an American.” Oscar Vazquez, a former... Continue »