Immigration advocates, Voces de la Frontera, have been working to prepare for the DAPA decision through their successful “Faces of DAPA and DACA” exhibit and May Day March for Immigrants, Students, and Workers Rights in Milwaukee. In the next couple weeks, they have further plans to hold a community... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Think Progress: Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Has Driven Out A Capable Hispanic Republican Leader By Esther Lee Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump Keeps Up Attacks on Judge in Trump University Case By Brent Kendall Washington Post: Trump says judge’s Mexican heritage presents... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: Hispanic Official to Leave R.N.C. in Sign of Disaffection With Donald Trump By Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns Wall Street Journal: RNC Hires Helen Aguirre Ferre for Hispanic Outreach Post By Beth Reinhard Washington Post: Shakeup in RNC’s... Continue »
Today, the Department of Justice responded to an orderissued earlier this month by Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in the immigration case under consideration at the U.S. Supreme Court. In a new Medium piece, David Leopold, an immigration attorney and former president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, analyzes the Administration’s response to Judge... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Reuters: Bashing Trump not enough for Democrats to win Latino vote, advocates warn By Luciana Lopez Reuters: Trump’s San Diego Rally Draws More Than 1,000 Chanting Protesters Associated Press: Donald Trump breaks with nation’s only Latina governor By Morgan Lee New... Continue »
  English (en español al final de la página): Reuters: Bashing Trump not enough for Democrats to win Latino vote, advocates warn By Luciana Lopez May 27, 2016 Reuters: Trump’s San Diego Rally Draws More Than 1,000 Chanting Protesters May 28, 2016 Associated Press: Donald Trump breaks with nation’s... Continue »
David Leopold: “There’s something happening in Texas that is a threat to justice — and it’s being perpetrated by a Federal District Court Judge.” Last week, Federal Judge Andrew Hanen issued a bizarre orderin the immigration case currently being considered by the Supreme Court.  As if ordering the personal contact information of... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Washington Times: DHS admits it’s still violating judge’s order on immigration amnesty By Stephen Dinan Colorlines: Children of Immigrants Share Their ‘American Story’ in New PSAs By Sammer Rao New York Times: Boos for Univision Anchor Who Spoke Spanish and Criticized... Continue »
A public service announcement campaign designed to encourage Cincinnati residents to support common-sense immigration policies will begin airing this week on local radio stations WKRQ-FM, WREW-FM, WUBE-FM, and WYGY-FM.  Commissioned by Bustos Media, LLC, and Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc., and created by the bipartisan children’s advocacy group First Focus, the My American Story PSA campaign shines... Continue »
White nationalists and anti-immigrant activists are promoting Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach as a potential vice presidential choice for Republican Donald Trump, MSBNC reports. Kobach is the architect of Arizona’s SB1070, the anti-Latino, anti-immigrant “show me your papers” law, as well as other state laws anchored in the concept... Continue »