A public service announcement campaign designed to encourage Cincinnati residents to support common-sense immigration policies will begin airing this week on local radio stations WKRQ-FM, WREW-FM, WUBE-FM, and WYGY-FM.
Commissioned by Bustos Media, LLC, and Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc., and created by the bipartisan children’s advocacy group First Focus, the My American Story PSA campaign shines a light on the nation’s flawed immigration system and the impact that it has on children, including U.S.-born citizens in Ohio.
“America’s diversity is one its greatest strengths, and we believe every child in Cincinatti should have a fair shot at achieving their potential,” said Bruce Lesley, president of First Focus. “The President should stop deporting parents and Congress should enact meaningful comprehensive immigration reform that gives children and their families the opportunity to fully contribute to the economy and society.”
More than 4 million U.S. citizen children live with the fear of losing a parent due to detention or deportation, putting their mental health, safety, and future success at risk and increasing their chances of entering foster care. It’s estimated that 25,000 U.S. citizen children in Ohio live with at least one undocumented parent.
“The issues of immigration and deportation have many dimensions, but the most personal and profound impacts are on the family and children,” said Lynn Tramonte, Director of Ohio’s Voice. “We are excited that this ad campaign shines a spotlight on the ways that children’s lives can change by a parent’s sudden change in immigration status – for good and for bad.”
In the weeks leading up to the Supreme Court Decision on Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program (DAPA) and expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA+), My American Story aims to change the hearts and minds of voters in the Cincinnati listening area through the stories of children impacted by the nation’s outdated immigration laws.
“At LOIRA, we see parents every day working to make a better life for their children,” said Jose Mendiola, president of the Lorain, Ohio Immigrant Rights Association. “That is why people come to this country. We need immigration policies that reflect our values of keeping families together and that starts with recognizing that children are at the heart of this discussion.”
Listen to the PSAs:
· “Good Night” (60 Seconds)
· “One Wish” (30 Seconds)
Visit ThisIsMyAmericanStory.org for more information.