“Senator Rob Portman has made time for Donald Trump, but he hasn’t made time to meet with constituents” Yesterday, former Governor Ted Strickland broke bread with community leaders and Ohio immigrant families as part of the nationwide DAPA Dinners campaign.  The DAPA Dinners campaign invites 2016 political candidates, Senators, and Members of... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Florida State University News: Undocumented Stories Part IV By Joseph Zeballos-Roig New York Times: In a Defiant, Angry Speech, Donald Trump Defends Image Seen as Anti-Semitic By Maggie Haberman, Michael barbaro and Jonathan Miller Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump Campaign to... Continue »
Former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland broke bread with community leaders and Ohio immigrant families as part of the nationwide DAPA Dinners campaign today in Lorain.  Lorain City Council Member Angel Arroyo; Lorain Police Chief Cel Rivera; Victor Leandry, Executive Director of El Centro de Servicios Sociales; and Father Bill Thaden of Sacred Heart Church also attended the dinner with Lorain Ohio Immigrant Rights Association... Continue »
On behalf of Nevada’s Voice, we’re inviting Nevada candidates to join a DAPA or DACA+ eligible family for dinner. Last month, Nevada families suffered a tremendous blow by the Supreme Court tie in theUnited States v. Texas lawsuit.The future of48,000 Nevada familieseligible for DAPA are on hold, however the... Continue »
Over the holiday weekend, the New York Times published a powerful editorial criticizing the Obama Administration’s approach to the ongoing refugee emergency in Central America. The administration’s emphasis, heavy on deterrence and detention, stands in stark contrast to the Senate Democrats’ humane and practical approach to the refugee emergency (unveiled in late June and praised... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): NPR: How Trump Made an Emmy-Winning Journalist Leave Journalism to Become an Activist By Janice Llamoca The Hill: Dems guard against migrant surge By Rafael Bernal American Prospect: Is This the Year of the Latino Voter? By Eliza Newlin Carney New... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Associated Press: OBAMA LEGACY: Immigration stands as most glaring failure By Kathleen Hennessey Amsterdam News:The SCOTUS immigration ruling is the final nail in the coffin of the GOP By Felicia Persaud New York Times: Donald Trump, in a Trade Speech in... Continue »
When most people think of who will be affected by the United States v. Texas decision on DAPA and DACA+, they think of the Latino community.  However, one in ten DAPA and DACA+ eligible immigrants is Asian American, a community that is often viewed as not being invested in... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Las Vegas Sun (Nevada): Panelists: Language barrier holding back Hispanics financially By Chris Kudialis Associated Press: Trump’s ‘America First’ Echoes Old Isolationist Rallying Cry McClatchy: White nationalist group says it will be at Republican convention By Sean Cockerham Bloomberg: Obama Says... Continue »
All eyes turn to November elections to defeat GOP anti-immigrant agenda Less than a week ago, over 100,000 undocumented immigrants in North Carolina and their families received the devastating news that the Supreme Court failed to reach a decision on President Obama’s executive actions on immigration and that Republican... Continue »