Cuando la Corte Suprema de la nación escuche este miércoles los argumentos a favor y en contra de que entren en vigor algunas de las cláusulas más controversiales de la ley antiinmigrante SB 1070 de Arizona, el debate será sobre la preeminencia del gobierno federal sobre el estatal en... Continuar »
As frenzied political junkies begin to chatter about the fight for the Latino vote in November, another fight is coming to Washington much sooner. Next week, the highest court in the land will hear oral arguments on the constitutionality of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law SB 1070. The Court has the... Continuar »
Mientras el frenesí electoral apunta a la lucha que se librará por el voto latino en noviembre, la semana entrante el máximo tribunal de la nación escuchará argumentos sobre la constitucionalidad de una antiinmigrante ley estatal, la SB 1070 de Arizona, que tiene el potencial de, en nombre del... Continuar »
A siete meses de las elecciones generales, la inmigración sigue surgiendo como la papa caliente que ha solido pasarse de mano en mano entre los que dicen estar haciendo algo para solucionarlo y los que critican pero tampoco hacen nada. En el típico viraje que suelen dar los candidatos... Continuar »
It's no coincidence that Barack Obama's 2012 campaign will open its fourth Arizona office in the middle of the heavily Latino neighborhood of Glendale. Betting on the increase in eligible Latino voters, and on the mobilization generated by anti-immigrant politics here, Democrats are hoping that Arizona won't just be... Continuar »
Mr. Manuel Ramírez Chávez was born in Michoacán, Mexico, but arrived in the United States when he was eight years old. Fifty-six years later, at the age of 64, he's finally becoming a citizen. He didn't do it earlier, he said, "because I'd never seen as much discrimination as... Continuar »
In order to win over the most conservative, extremist voters in the Arizona Republican primary (which will be held Tuesday, February 28th), presidential candidate Mitt Romney called the state's immigration policy a "model" for others to follow. Continuar »
Conservative Republicans want Marco Rubio to be the vice-presidential candidate in November's presidential election. At least, that's what the straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) showed last weekend. Continuar »
DENVER-They may be undocumented, naturalized, or first- second- or third-generation citizens, but if one thing unites many Hispanics in Colorado it's their discontent with the anti-immigrant rhetoric coming out of the Republican primary. Continuar »
Republican caucus attendees in Nevada chose Mitt Romney to carry their standard (and delegates) in the campaign for the presidential nomination, and all eyes there are now fixed on November's general election. Continuar »