Donald Trump’s wall might get cheers at his Thunderdome-knockoff rallies, but it’s overwhelmingly unpopular among the majority of Americans. Nowhere is that more clear than among the people who actually live along the US/Mexico border itself. Recent Pew polling found that the American public opposes Trump’s proposed wall by... Continue »
We were being totally serious when we decided to dub the Republican National Convention the “Republican Nativist Convention” — and Steve King just confirmed it really is that. During an MSNBC panel on live television yesterday, the calves connoisseur basically questioned the contributions of non-white people to civilization, saying that white people... Continue »
Jorge Ramos was hoping that the letter he received from Donald Trump was finally a response to his long-standing request for an interview with the Republican Presidential nominee. It didn’t exactly turn out that way. The journalist revealed the contents of the letter during his broadcasts from the GOP... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Texas Tribune: White House Seeks Another Chance in Immigration Case By Julián Aguilar Justice Dept. Urges the Supreme Court to Rehear Immigration Case By Marcia Coyle New York Times: Republican Platform Defends ‘Traditional’ Marriage, a Border Wall and Coal By... Continue »
Latino Republicans who have railed on Donald Trump and his racist comments for months are shamelessly back-peddling and endorsing him for President. One high-profile Latina Republican even scrubbed her Twitter feed of anti-Trump tweets after getting hired by the RNC as Director of Hispanic Communications. Recently, she even went... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Politifact: Compare the candidates: Clinton vs. Trump on immigration By Miriam Valverde New York Times: Mike Pence on the Issues: Immigration, Foreign Policy, Guns, the Economy By Katie Shepherd New York Times: Donald Trump and Mike Pence, Republicans as Different as... Continue »
Latinx and immigrant rights organizers are just a few hundred dollars away from raising $15,000 to erect a 15,000 foot “banner wall” around the Quicken Loans Arena during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week. From ThinkProgress: Tania Unzueta, an undocumented community organizer with the immigrant rights advocacy... Continue »
Republican National Convention organizers are finally admitting what we’ve suspected all along: Donald Trump’s candidacy has cost the event financially big-time. Back in January, RNC spokesman Sean Spicer — who in true Trumpian fashion has taken to trolling a Latino journalist on Twitter — reassured reporters that a potential Trump... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Miami Herald: The immigration divide between Trump and Clinton By Miriam Valverde PJ Media: Trump Losing Latino Vote 73-16 Percent, Survey Finds By Nicholas Ballasy Washington Post: Clinton highlights differences with Trump on immigration By John Wagner and Jenna Portnoy Washington... Continue »
In an open letter rejecting his candidacy, Silicon Valley leaders from Facebook, Twitter, eBay, Reddit, StubHub, Meetup, and dozens of other companies call Donald Trump “a disaster for innovation.” 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children. Trump has promised to build a massive... Continue »