Una investigación de la Radio Pública Nacional (NPR) sobre una secreta auditoría del Departamento Seguridad Nacional (DHS) detalla los terribles abusos y violaciones de derechos humanos en los centros de detención de migrantes de ICE. La Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU) catalogó los hallazgos de “escalofriantes”. Pero para... Continuar »
El acusado expresidente Donald Trump lanzó su primera campaña presidencial descendiendo por sus doradas escaleras eléctricas y acusando a los inmigrantes mexicanos de ser criminales y violadores. Luego de su victoria en 2016, su administración lanzó una andanada de ataques contra las comunidades inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, incluyendo la... Continuar »
While former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are certainly the loudest nativists of the 2024 Republican presidential primary field, they’re not the only candidates to put forward anti-immigrant plans. Rather than offering workable and humane solutions to our broken immigration system, the proposals from GOP candidates... Continuar »
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis desperately wants to be president. But with former President Donald Trump continuing to vastly squash him in the GOP primary polls, DeSantis’ strategy has been to try to one-up him on cruelty and racism, particularly on immigration — a very high bar to clear. Despite... Continuar »
Indicted former President Donald Trump launched his first presidential campaign by descending his golden escalators and calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. Following his victory in 2016, his administration launched a barrage of attacks on immigrant communities across the U.S., including rescinding the popular and successful Deferred Action for... Continuar »
Washington, DC – Today, the United States government officially announced that it was redesignating Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for nationals from Sudan and Ukraine. This is not simply an extension of the existing program, but a redesignation, which means that people who arrived since the original designation can apply.... Continuar »
THE HIGH COST OF NATIVISM Nativism has a clear negative impact on the economy, as employers continue to face challenges finding workers and the U.S.-born population ages. Opposition to asylum, refugees and visas for workers and families – and backlogs in processing – combined with opposition to legalizing the... Continuar »
Washington, DC – Operation Lone Star is Greg Abbott’s signature policy move as Governor of Texas, and over two years later, it remains an unmitigated disaster. The latest revelation comes as part of the legal challenge from the Department of Justice over Gov. Abbott’s river wall, which is largely... Continuar »
America’s Voice · La Semana En Inmigración – 8.18.23 Investigan muerte de niña migrante de 3 años Señalan al gobernador de Texas, Greg Abbott, por separar familias en la frontera y porque sus boyas invaden territorio mexicano Informe detalla serias irregularidades en los centros de detención de ICE Estudio... Continuar »
English Barrons US Reopens Immigration Office In Cuba By Agence France Presse August 17, 2023 Miami Herald Officials highlight U.S. efforts to stem migration across Darién Gap amid record crossings Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article278338314.html#storylink=cpy By Syra Ortiz Blanes August 17, 2023 Niskanen Center What each GOP candidate should be... Continuar »