35 House Democrats led by Reps. Chuy García (D-IL), Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), Lou Correa (D-CA) and Darren Soto (D-FL) have penned a letter urging the Biden administration to use existing law to extend work permits to both new and long-time immigrants already in the U.S. The letter has the... Continue »
La falta de una reforma migratoria a nivel legislativo limita los mecanismos para que las personas emigren hacia Estados Unidos de manera regular, y cuando se establecen programas ejecutivos y administrativos, como lo es el  permiso para que estadounidenses auspicien a ciudadanos de Cuba, Haití, Nicaragua y Venezuela (CHNV)  que... Continue »
English Baptist News Virginia governor chided for saying immigrants bring drugs to his state By Jeff Brumley July 1, 2023 Bloomberg Law Lawmakers Push Biden For Earlier Green Card Applications (2) By Andrew Kreighbaum July 31, 2023 CBS News Biden administration to give some migrants in Mexico refugee status... Continue »