Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Bloomberg: Pro-Clinton Unions Ready to Give Up on Trump Backers in Ranks By Mark Niquette and Arit John The Hill: New Dem video targets Latinos to get out vote By Rafael Bernal Yahoo: Why Puerto Rico could swing the Florida vote... Continue »
In a new post, Sylvia Manzano, Principal of Latino Decisions, compares the August 2016 Latino voter polling numbers of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to their political counterparts in 2012, showing Clinton ahead of President Obama’s Latino support and Trump falling further behind Romney’s standing among registered Latino voters. Currently, 70% of Latinos... Continue »
On the eve of Hispanic Heritage Month, Latino Victory Project and more than a dozen other local organizations gathered yesterday in Denver, Colorado to kick off the #CuentaConmigo campaign. The event was the first in a partnership with Mexican rock band Maná to encourage US Latinos to flex their... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): McClatchy: Why the election map has a built-in, and growing, Democratic bias By David Lightman The Atlantic: Does Immigration Matter in Down-Ballot Races? By Priscilla Alvarez Arizona Public Media (Arizona): 90% of Arizona Latinos Plan to Vote in November, Poll Says... Continue »
Have you ever thought about the things you’d take with you if you had to immediately flee your home and country? Think of the countless things you pick up or put aside daily, all with the confidence that they’ll still be there tomorrow.  A new UN Refugee Agency video places us... Continue »
Police have issued an arrest warrant for the Donald Trump supporter who punched a 69-year-old disabled woman in the face outside an Asheville, North Carolina rally on Monday night. According to reports, Donald Trump supporter Richard Campbell punched protester Shirley Teter so brutally she fell backward onto the oxygen... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Washington Post: Poll: Clinton leads Trump among Hispanics, but not by as much as you might think By Ed O’Keefe and Scott Clement Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: We’re Back and Everything is Scary Now By Samantha Bee Buzzfeed: Democrats Worried... Continue »
“El Mapa del Odio de Trump” nos recuerda las fuerzas que ha desatado el magnate A lo largo de su campaña presidencial, la oscura y divisiva retórica de Donald Trump se ha convertido tanto en inspiración como en vehículo de racistas sin remordimientos. Se ha convertido en un imán que atrae... Continue »
“Trump Hate Map” a Reminder of Forces Unleashed by Trump Throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s dark and divisive rhetoric has become both an inspiration and a vehicle for unapologetic racists. He has become a magnet that attracts the darkest souls in our country. He enables the mainstreaming of ideas and... Continue »
An immigrant made history in Kansas last week, becoming both the first Latino and first formerly undocumented immigrant to be promoted to deputy chief of the Wichita Police Department. José Salcido, who arrived to the United States from Mexico when he was just nine years old, has been with... Continue »