El joven rostro de los asistentes de varios legisladores republicanos visitados era literalmente de asombro: frente a ellos estaba un recipiente de comida que en los últimos días se puso de moda, gracias a un tuit de Donald Trump. Era un “taco bowl” entregado de manos de grupos de... Continuar »
Frank Sharry: “Para una nación que dice ser líder mundial en protección a refugiados, necesitamos empezar a actuar de ese modo en nuestro propio hemisferio” Una nota de Reuters de hoy informa que el gobierno de Obama va a iniciar una oleada de ataques enfocándose en jóvenes madres y niños no... Continuar »
Defensores envían un claro mensaje al Partido Republicano: votantes latinos e inmigrantes recordarán al #PartidoDeTrump en noviembre Este día, Donald Trump se reunía con legisladores en el Capitolio. Este mismo día, el Senado servía “taco salad” para el almuerzo, un apropiado recordatorio del reciente “acercamiento a los hispanos” por parte de Trump,... Continuar »
Frank Sharry: “For a nation that claims to be a world leader in refugee protection, in our own hemisphere we need to start acting like one ” A Reuters article today reports that the Obama Administration is going to initiate of surge of raids targeting young mothers and unaccompanied children from Central America.... Continuar »
  Advocates Send Clear Message to Sen. Rob Portman: Latino, APIA, and Immigrant Voters Will Boycott #TrumpsParty in November Today, Donald Trump is meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. On the very same day, the Senate carry out is serving taco salad bowls for lunch—a fitting reminder of the recent “hispandering”... Continuar »
Advocates Send Clear Message to Sen. Richard Burr: Latino, APIA, and   Immigrant Voters Will Boycott #TrumpsParty in November Today, Donald Trump is meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. On the very same day, the Senate carry out is serving taco salad bowls for lunch—a fitting reminder of the recent “hispandering” that... Continuar »
As the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump huddled with GOP leaders today — including Speaker Paul Ryan and RNC Chair Reince Priebus — advocates delivered taco bowl to GOP lawmakers who are lining up with Trump. The taco bowls — infamously featured in Trump’s insulting Cinco de Mayo tweet last week — had the message:... Continuar »
Advocates Send Clear Message to GOP: Latino, APIA, and Immigrant Voters Will Boycott #TrumpsParty in November Today, Donald Trump is meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. On the very same day, the Senate carry out is serving taco salad bowls for lunch—a fitting reminder of the recent “hispandering” that Trump, the... Continuar »
Advocates Send Clear Message to GOP: Latino and Immigrant Voters Will Remember #TrumpsParty in November Today, Donald Trump is meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. On the very same day, the Senate carry out is serving taco salad bowls for lunch—a fitting reminder of the recent “hispandering” that Trump, the most anti-immigrant and... Continuar »
What’s on the Capitol Hill menu as presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump meets with his party’s leaders in DC today? Taco salads, of course. Rep. Luis Gutiérrez welcomed the arrival of the GOP’s new standard-bearer with a reminder that it’s going to take a whole lot more than chomping... Continuar »