Talking Points Memo: Will GOP Voters Forgive Marco Rubio’s Apostasy On Immigration? By Sahil Kapur Fusion: Marco Rubio flip-flops on immigration, again? By Brett LoGiurato Politico: Heritage Action to score 2016 candidates By James Hohmann Los Angeles Times: The key players in Obama’s appeal on deportation deferral program By... Continue »
Once upon a time, Marco Rubio really was supposed to be the GOP’s future. Back in 2013, there was some reason to believe it. He was in the midst of co-authoring the Senate’s immigration reform bill, a package that would have put 11 million undocumented immigrants on a path to citizenship and taken major... Continue »
Cross-posted from Huffington Post: The battle of the Texas Dream Act continues. A bill known as SB1819, sponsored by Texas Republican Senators Donna Campbell, Tom Creighton, and Lois Kolkhorst, is headed for the Senate floor to be heard and voted upon. A priority of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who promised... Continue »
Politico: Immigration debacle dogs Marco Rubio By Seung Min Kim and Manu Raju April 14, 2015 Al Jazeera America: Rubio kicks off 2016 campaign, styling himself next-generation leader By Naureen Kahn April 13, 2015 Sun Sentinel (Florida): Rubio bid sets off scrutiny and attacks By William E. Gibson April... Continue »
MIAMI, FL – No había oficializado su precandidatura a la nominación presidencial republicana y ya el senador Marco Rubio era objeto de protestas de parte de los DREAMers en la entrada de la Torre de la Libertad, donde formalizó el anuncio. Con la consigna “El Sueño de Rubio es... Continue »
MIAMI, FL –  Al elegir la emblemática Torre de la Libertad, donde se procesaba el ingreso de exiliados cubanos a suelo estadounidense en los años sesenta y setenta, para anunciar su lanzamiento al ruedo por la nominación presidencial republicana, el senador de Florida, Marco Rubio, apuesta al apoyo del... Continue »
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton entered the 2016 Presidential race this past weekend, and where she stands on both immigration reform in Congress and executive action by the President will determine whether Latino voters tune in to her campaign or tune her out. There’s no question that Latinos... Continue »
Cross-posted from David Leopold’s blog: This morning the 5th Circuit announced the three judge panel that will hear the Obama Administration’s motion to stay (lift) Judge Hanen’s order temporarily blocking DACA expansion and DAPA; and, as expected, it’s a very conservative panel.  Ian Millhiser of described the panel—which includes, Judges Jerry E. Smith... Continue »
Rubio’s Lurch to the Right Raises Questions of Leadership & Trustworthiness, While Alienating Latino Voters Florida Senator Marco Rubio is set to be the newest official entrant into the 2016 Republican presidential field.  Much of the spotlight and analysis on Sen. Rubio focuses on his immigration record, especially his... Continue »
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton entered the 2016 Presidential race this past weekend, and where she stands on both immigration reform and immigration action will determine if Latino voters lean into her campaign — or tune out. As Latino Decisions has consistently noted, immigration is a “gateway” issue... Continue »