A Migration Policy Institute report on the expansion of immigration enforcement has received much attention this week, with its findings that the government spends more on immigration enforcement than on all other federal law enforcement combined, and that it has spent $187 billion on immigration enforcement since 1986 (the... Continue »
The Illinois General Assembly passed a bill yesterday that will grant temporary drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants, moving the bill to the desk of Gov. Pat Quinn (D-IL) who plans to sign it into law.  The legislation passed due to the tireless work of advocates like the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant... Continue »
And a Sign of Momentum in Favor of Immigration Reform The Illinois General Assembly passed a bill yesterday that will grant temporary drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants, moving the bill to the desk of Gov. Pat Quinn (D-IL) who plans to sign it into law.  The legislation passed due to the... Continue »
Estos certificados tendrían un color diferente de las licencias regulares, serían válidos por tres años y no se podrían usar como identificación para abordar un avión, comprar un arma o votar. Se calcula que la medida beneficiaría a unos 250 mil indocumentados en Illinois. Continue »
After spending more on immigration enforcement than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined, and achieving record levels of enforcement, the immigration system remains broken.  The missing piece is addressing the status of undocumented Americans here today… Continue »
Two new studies on immigration enforcement show that the border first/border only immigration policy is not enough.  After spending more on immigration enforcement than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined, and achieving record levels of enforcement, the immigration system remains broken.  The missing piece—and the centerpiece of the... Continue »
MPI & CAP Demonstrate that We Can’t Spend our Way to Immigration Solution or Believe “Border First” Crowd Two new studies on immigration enforcement show that the border first/border only immigration policy is not enough.  After spending more on immigration enforcement than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined,... Continue »