What on earth could Boston Mayor Tom Menino be thinking? Is there no special interest group he won't cave in to, no group of so-called advocates he won't pander to? Even at the risk of the rest of the city's inhabitants? Continue »
Poor Marco Rubio. Florida's junior senator could have been a contender. Instead, he's become a caricature. In parts of the Hispanic community, Rubio is thought of as just another ambitious politician who is willing to sell out Latinos to curry favor with Anglo colleagues. That's what you hear... Continue »
The movement against Alabama's harsh crackdown on undocumented immigrants is being led, in some respects, by the church. The latest example was Sunday in Huntsville, where a few hundred people gathered in a downtown park for an interfaith prayer rally to protest the law. Continue »
Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly are bragging on their accomplishments in immigration reform — especially about a unique approach to the E-Verify hiring system — but what could be ripe for debate is the list of immigration bills they're ready to push next year. Continue »
The number of immigrants illegally crossing into the United States from Mexico has declined according to a new study, and some California farmers are already seeing the effects on their crops. "We've seen in the valley this year a reduction of labor that we haven't seen for five or... Continue »
It's a rare piece of legislation these days that unites state and local business organizations, the labor movement, and a range of faith denominations across the country together in outrage. But that's exactly what's happening in response to the mandatory E-Verify legislation being championed by Rep. Lamar Smith... Continue »
Arizona State Senate President Russell Pearce (R-Mesa) rose to national prominence championing SB 1070, the state's infamous anti-immigration law that spawned a series of copycat bills nationwide after it was signed into law last April. Continue »
WASHINGTON – Amnistía es y ha sido el cuco o el coco en el debate migratorio. La mala palabra que paraliza a legisladores y presidentes y que los republicanos y grupos opuestos a la reforma migratoria mejor utilizan para atemorizar a la población aunque intenten obviar que la última... Continue »
It's the rare piece of legislation these days that generates outrage from state and local business organizations, the labor movement, and a range of faith denominations across the country. Yet that's exactly what is happening in response to the mandatory E-Verify legislation being championed by Representative Lamar Smith... Continue »