Sondeo de víspera electoral en ocho estados revela importantes datos sobre los votantes latinos en las elecciones de 2010 Washington, DC  – Esta noche, Latino Decisions dará a conocer sus sondeos de víspera electoral en ocho estados que demuestran que la inmigración y las campañas antiinmigrantes jugaron un papel... Continuar »
Tonight, Latino Decisions will release election eve polling in eight states that shows immigration and anti-immigrant campaigning played a major role in mobilizing Latino voters this cycle. This important research, conducted in eight states, will add a new dimension to publicly-available exit polls. The data will reveal... Continuar »
Tonight, Latino Decisions will release election eve polling in eight states that shows immigration and anti-immigrant campaigning played a major role in mobilizing Latino voters this cycle. This important research, conducted in eight states, will add a new dimension to publicly-available exit polls. The data will reveal... Continuar »
Maribel Hastings talks to voters in Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado. Will the attack ads on Latino immigrants suppress the vote, or spur turnout? Tune in Wed. at 1pm to find out. While Majority Leader Reid promises to bring up the DREAM Act in the lame-duck session, Senate Republicans... Continuar »
Whoever wins today will help decide the fate of Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the DREAM Act, so it's critical that you make your voice heard. Here are a few resources to help you decide. Continuar »
In an election season filled with races in which Latino voters could make a difference, Latino Decisions' final weekly tracking poll shows that Latino voters have become more engaged and enthusiastic about voting in the final weeks leading up to tomorrow's historic election. While some of this is... Continuar »
Senior White House political adviser David Axelrod notes that early voting by Latinos is at a record high--and predicts that if the trend continues today at the polls, Democrats could save seats in California, Nevada and Colorado. President Obama walks back a comment he made referring to Republicans as... Continuar »
Maribel Hastings talks to voters in Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado. Will the attack ads on Latino immigrants suppress the vote, or spur turnout? Tune in Wed. at 1pm to find out. While Majority Leader Reid promises to bring up the DREAM Act in the lame-duck session, Senate... Continuar »
As voters head to the polls today after a year of competitive primary elections and anti-Washington anger there's little doubt Republicans will make significant advances in Congress. The only question left: how significant? Continuar »
In an interview yesterday with Univision's Jorge Ramos, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said that he would bring the DREAM Act to a vote in the "lame duck" session after the midterm elections, regardless of the election results. Meanwhile, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a... Continuar »