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Immigration Insider | Election 2010
Maribel Hastings talks to voters in Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado. Will the attack ads on Latino immigrants suppress the vote, or spur turnout? Tune in Wed. at 1pm to find out. While Majority Leader Reid promises to bring up the DREAM Act in the lame-duck session, Senate Republicans want to know: how much would it cost to deport everyone? (Answer below.)
Welcome to Immigration Insider | Election Day 2010
Setting the Scene: “March to the Polls”: While you’re waiting for the results to roll in from Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado, why not read dispatches from Maribel Hastings, who visited those states over the last few weeks to check up on Latino voter mobilization efforts and what voters (and abstainers) were saying? The full series is available in Spanish, but we’ve translated some of Maribel’s stories into English under the title “March to the Polls 2010.” Highly recommended.
“March to the Polls 2010:”
Find Out Tomorrow Why Latinos Voted Today: At 1pm Eastern tomorrow, I’ll be joining Gary Segura of Latino Decisions and other experts in Latino civic participation and immigration reform from NCLR, SEIU, and Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign to release a new series of polls to the press. The polls detail how Latino citizens voted in eight key states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, IL, NM, NV, and TX—and why. If you’re an interested member of the press, call Michael Earls at (202) 261-2388 for more info.