Imploring readers to "focus our attention on the president's actions rather than his words," Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) recently took to the pages of the San Antonio Express-News to slam President Obama on immigration issues. While doing so, however, he portrayed himself as a tireless supporter of immigration... Continue »
A Politico piece entitled "Senators look for immigration deal" by Carrie Budoff Brown is causing quite the stir today. We're always happy when there's talk of comprehensive immigration reform, because it's the only real solution to the immigration crisis we face. President Obama just called for action in the State... Continue »
If Howard Dean is known for one thing—it would probably be his, well, excitement. And at the Howard Dean, Newt Gingrich debate at George Washington University on Tuesday night, it was the DREAM Act that brought this infamous excitement to life. Continue »
As Republican politicians in the House of Representatives try to enforce their way to a better immigration system, a new report from the Pew Hispanic Center underscores the flawed reasoning behind their efforts. The newly released data shows that, despite unprecedented spending on immigration enforcement efforts, the American... Continue »
Markos Moulitsas, founder and publisher of Daily Kos, has a stark political analysis of immigration reform for Democrats in, "Dems, listen to your base:" Of course, if the Democratic-controlled Congress did what was popular, comprehensive immigration reform would have been passed and signed into law last year. A reform... Continue »
Brisenia Flores was nine years old when Shawna Forde, the head of the Minutemen American Defence group, and other members of her posse, allegedly shot and killed Brisenia and her parents, point-blank, at their home in Arizona. Mercilessly, Forde and company allegedly ignored Brisenia's sobs to spare her life.... Continue »
Today, the Spanish-language press covers a newly-released report from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) which concludes that around half of all undocumented immigrants detained under the 287(g) enforcement program are detained for misdemeanors and traffic violations rather than serious crimes. Telemundo, La Opinión (Los Angeles), Notimex and the AP,... Continue »
Congress needs to show leadership, speak up for American values, and put an end to this disgusting attack on the constitution. Join us in sending our leaders in Congress a fax, telling them to reject Senators Vitter and Paul's dangerous move to scrap the 14th amendment. Continue »
If you've been paying attention to the politics of immigration this month, you've probably noticed: 1) GOP state and local officials, joined by Republicans in both the House and Senate, are trying to mainstream an extreme push to repeal the 14th Amendment. So much for being defenders of the... Continue »
Yesterday, the Immigration Subcommittee (of the House Judiciary Committee), which is led by notoriously anti-immigrant members of Congress -- Lamar Smith (R-TX), Elton Gallegly (R-CA), and Steve King (R-IA) -- held their first immigration hearing since Republicans took control of the House. Continue »